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Welcome 💜

Surprisingly, when taehyung blinks his eyes open the next morning...he was welcome with the sight of his room ceiling, that snap him out of his sleepy state instantly.

But he hardly get time to wonder over his dream before his bedroom door was pushed open by one of the monsters that stays in his house, the monster goes by the name..Kim namjoon.

Taehyung sighs, there goes his bad bad looming around him. Before namjoon could even open his mouth to make any comments, the younger male was already on his feet bunching up the bedsheets only to throw it against namjoon's face harshly.

The aforementioned male drag in a deep breath, mumbling series of curses under his breath while taehyung took the moment as the best time to disappear into the bathroom.

"I should've left you to be eating by some wild animals in the forest, be ready in fifteen minutes or no food for a week" with namjoon's last words, taehyung peek through the slightly opened door.

"Uhm, did you burn out the firewoods I light up?" Namjoon frown at his brother's question before rolling his eyes.

"You don't trade your never existed brain with devil for food , do you?" The pretty male pouts , giving namjoon a middle finger.

"Because I clearly can't see any firewoods or even fire where you passed out, meet me outside and dress appropriately taehyung. You're now a working class boy" namjoon said before walking out of the younger's room.

"Boomer, thought I become a magician for a second. Guess I still need a new career" he pouts to himself before shutting the bathroom door properly, and lock it.

"I see the devil , yeah I met him last night....

He starts scrubbing his body while singing along, his hips swaying left and right totally unbothered with the fact that he have work in about twenty or thirty minutes.

"Seem kinda funny yeah. He kinda my type....

Taehyung stops singing, scoffing under his breath at the lyrics that just left his own lips.

"Pfft , an ugly monster with horns is your type?...can't be me....

He laugh but suddenly his mind went blank. Wait hold on , he's going to work? Like work work?.

"Think... Kim taehyung think.....

He keeps mumbling under his breath but was snap out of it when someone starts knocking on the bathroom door.

"And which monster that might be?" He heard scoff from outside the door making him sighs and think of thousands ways to end his misery just In ten seconds.

Fuck all the devil books he have read. Fuck them for making him think asking devil for a favour will always solve the problems like it does for all main characters.

"Maybe I'm a supporting act in my own life story?" He mumbled to himself, now that he think about it. His life isn't even on any path related to main characters syndrome. He's a second choice. That makes sense why life is always fucking him with no lube. Mercilessly.

Another loud knocks on the door make him come out of drowning in his misery.

"Come out in ten seconds or I'm breaking down the door" his father's voice make him wince slightly before turning off the shower switch.

"It's your house , non of my business" he stated nonchalantly pulling the door open only to have his head smack by Mr Kim , he let out a dramatic scream.

"Ahhhhh.... My head is running" he wail... Fake a wail as he held his head, fake tears making it way down his cheeks instantly.

"Does that make your head a running head or a running man?" The pretty male pouts glaring at his father.

"I am hurting here dad , why do you hate me so much?" He whines throwing himself on the bed.

"Stop being dramatic boy, be a good boy and remember to never be rude to your boss taehyung......

Taehyung wants to laugh at his father's face but instead he nods his head, going over the plan he have draw in his head. The plan that's title : how to get fire the first day at your working place.

"Okay Dad"

Mr. Kim raise his brow at the straight answer, he stares at his son for some moments before shaking his head.

"I know what's in your head but let me tell you , don't try anything stupid it'll only get you in trouble" the boy scoff under his breath before pouting to himself.

"Trouble my ass"

He roll his eyes instantly Mr Kim walk out of his room.

Taehyung stands infront of the giant building with a smirk on his face , he then shakes his head with a fake pout.

"It's a shame today will be my first and last day working here" he mumbled to himself before walking ahead into the building, the receptionist gave him his staff card immediately he mentioned his name to the lady.

The pretty male was all smiling on his way to the elevator, he met few staffs but really didn't pay attention to them. What's the need of speaking to them when today is his first and last day in the company.

His smile grew wider when he gets to the CEO floor , he glance at his wristwatch... He's exactly twenty minutes late on his first day to work.

He take a deep breath standing infront of the CEO office before barging into the room , the man calmly raise his brow at taehyung before glancing at the clock.

"You're twenty minutes late Kim" taehyung scoffs but decided to cover it off with a fake smile.

"I am sorry yoongi , I don't put effort into shits like this" the CEO raise his brow amusingly, first this little human just called him with his name?. A chuckle escape through his throat as taehyung's face welcome a victory smirk, he waited for the man to get angry and send him back home.

"Hmn, I do have things I don't put effort into too so I understand you" and taehyung mouth was left agape.

"Understand me? Hahaha wow understand me?..... How can you understand me!! Are you not supposed to get angry and Chase me home?" The CEO was still calm at the boy outburst.

"You have a very short temper..... Anyways, the door after my office is my record room.... Go in there and arrange all the files accordingly, mind you. You're not closing today until you finish with it" taehyung thinks his ears might be cracking at that , he was not fired but rather get to work?.

Fuck jimin and his idea of being rude.

It's has been over three hours and taehyung was not even half way done with his tasks.

"Fuck everyone and everything!!" He groan out loudly before sitting down on the floor.

"Please please dare devil , help me out this time okay? I'll give you anything you wish.... Just arrange this files for me please" the boy pray with his hands clasp together and eyes shut.

But he blinks his eyes open when he hears sudden noise in the room only to be welcome with the sight of book moving in the air but themselves..... Then he heard it , a voice close to his ears.

"Your soul is mine now"

And he passed out again.


Sorry for mistakes

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