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They get in the hospital and asked for his room. After get his room, they go to his room.

They saw Haruto, Baekhyun, Kai and Lucas at outside of the room, ofc to give them privacy. Lisa open her jacket which were stained by blood.

They get in and saw Yoongi laying on the bed "how is he?" Jin "the doctor said he's okay, they just make a operation and take out the bullet" Rm. Lisa stroke her hair.

"There's no reaction from the poisining bullet...the guy earlier already do something that make the poison didn't work on Yoongi hyeong" he continue.

"Kajja...lets give her time" Jin whispered to them. Even before they go...

"Lisa!!" Taehyung called her name at the same time they saw her fall on the floor.

They heard his voice calling her name. With a worried feelings, they get in the room.

Haruto run to her and put her head on his laps "what happened?!" Haruto "W-we dont know, she just fainted like that" Taehyung.

"She got efected by a sleeping liquid and its kinda strong" Baekhyun. Haruto gasp

"Call the doctor!" Haruto. Lucas goes to call the doctor. Few minutes later, he come back with their private doctor. The doctor open the curtain for another bed.

"Put her here" Doctor. Haruto put her on the bed. The doctor check her "She's strong enough...it didn't effected so much on her but I can't predict when she will wake up" Doctor.

They sigh in relieve. The doctor bowed and leave the room "Thank god" Haruto hold her sister's hand. 30 minutes later, Haruto and Bts just had a talk.

They said he can go home and they will take care of her. He believe them and they left. They take turn sitting beside her bed. Until it come to Jimin to switch with Taehyung.

He just want to get up but he stop when he saw Lisa opening her eyes.

"Lisa!" Jimin sit back and rubbed her hair "are you okay?" Jimin. All of them go to him and her. Lisa take off the thing on her hand.

Idk what is it-

"What are you doing?!" Jimin hold her hand "let go" Lisa "no! You still have to wear it!" Jimin "obey me..." Lisa. He let go of her hand slowly. Lisa get off the bed and go to Yoongi's bed.

"Kajja..." Jin whispered to all of them to go out.

She sit beside his bed and stare at him "why dont you wake up? Wake up" Lisa "I..." Lisa "miss your clinginess with me" Lisa.

She hold his cold hand while staring at him "I promise I will go out from the other me and be the old me...as your wish" Lisa.

"Lisa...pls just eat a little" Jin "no..." Lisa. They have tried to persuade her to eat a little to fill up her empty stomach.

"Lisa..." Jimin who were sitting beside her try again "what will you answer him if he ask either you've eat or not?" Jimin. She stay quiet.

"Come on eat, okay?" Jimin. She shake her head. He sigh.

Lisa who were holding Yoongi's hand felt his fingers moving. She raised her head and look at him. He slowly open his eyes.

Lisa gave a small smile "finally..." Lisa. They look at her and saw Yoongi already open his eyes.

They go to him and celebrate with a different vibes as they usually get when they celebrating something.


"Can you explain to us?" Yoongi. Lisa stay quiet. She look down "why are you..." Yoongi "like this?" He continue.

"I...came from that kind of family..." Lisa "when he started to attacking us" Lisa "who?" Yoongi "the guy earlier...Choi" Lisa "What's his full name? It cant be just Choi right?" Jin.

"I dont wanna say his name...he attacked us to take my father's position as the CEO...he killed my parents by making the break broken...and they get into an accident when they on their way to the airport" Lisa.

"I thought..." Jungkook "Mr. And Mrs. Lee...they adopted me at a orphan's house after I stay there for 1 week" Lisa "after he killed my parent...he thought he can get the place but actually my first sister who get it" Lisa.

"So he killed both of my sisters in front of my eyes...ra*ed them, shooting, blood everywhere...since then, I already get used to it...I was 7 when he did all that shit" Lisa.

"How did you pass him?" Jimin "I dont pass him...he give me a chance since I was a little that time...when I reached 15 and I knew he was searching for me, I moved to America where my brother's at and from there I started to plan everything" Lisa.

"The 3 guys earlier who stay with me since then" Lisa "Baekhyun who treat you before going to the hospital is the ex professor of Choi. Kai is my college friend who find out about me and want to help me" Lisa.

"Lucas is just a person who came from a unwealthy family. He was alone, his parent already gone and I see he can be one of my...assistant so I take him" Lisa.

"The 2 girls? Do they know anything?" Rm "they're my secret agents who prepared everything if we had a promises with our enemies" Lisa.

"Choi is my father's so called friend that try to betray him" Lisa "That's all...I just want a revenge Lisa

"Its all over right?" Yoongi. She nodded slightly "I want you to leave all of that" Yoongi. She look at him.

"I will...I already promise myself" Lisa "sorry I make you guys get into the problem" Lisa look down, playing with her nails.

Yoongi raised her face "I dont wanna hear that again, I help you bcs I love you as a sister" Yoongi holding 'something'.

She smile a little "us too...I feel like a fighter after that" Jungkook smile proudly at his hyeongs.

"That's not the point!" Jin hit his head "akh! Ya! You wanna fight?" Jungkook make a pose want to fight

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"That's not the point!" Jin hit his head "akh! Ya! You wanna fight?" Jungkook make a pose want to fight.

"You want to?!" Jin. He laugh. Then the eldest and the youngest fight in their own way.

Lisa giggles without a devilish face first time after awhile. Yoongi look at her. He gets really happy just bcs she giggled like that. That shows how much he want her to be happy.


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