All I Wanted Was a Car

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Had a part-time job
Makin' chicken kabobs
At the food court at the mall
I hauled my uncle's trash
I cut my neighbor's grass
And I raked the leaves in the fall
My parents, they were stunned
How this former lazy bum
Suddenly was workin' so hard
But all I wanted was a car
All I wanted was a car

All I Wanted Was a Car -- Brad Paisley


Few months passed and for all those months Bai LuoYin and Felix kept on accompanying Ashley to go here and there in order to find new memories. Actually, Ashley already forgave Ryan and doesn't even angry anymore, even so, Ashley kept on dragging Felix and him on her little adventures. But the thing is, Bai LuoYin felt that he had become the third wheel between Ashley and Felix. They had this ambiguous relationship and didn't even bother to straighten it up. Bai LuoYin really felt annoyed, but every time he said he didn't want to tag along, they will continue pestering him until he gave up and reluctantly went along with them.

Bai LuoYin and Felix usually used Ashley's or Ryan's car to move about, but ever since Ashley broke up with Ryan, automatically she brought her car along. Ryan was having the time of his life dating Alex, so her car was also off-limit. Darryn will never allow anybody to drive his beloved ute*, so they can't use it either. It became a problem for Bai LuoYin and Felix whenever they need to run some errands. At first, they didn't feel that it is necessary for them to buy a car because they can always use Ashley's and Ryan's car, but now, like it or not, they really need to buy one since public transportation was a pain in the arse and taxi is so damn expensive.

After some discussion, both boys felt that they need to get their individual cars so that they won't find problems when they need to use the car at the same time. There's no problem on Felix's side but Bai LuoYin was reluctant to ask for money from Jiang Yuan, so Bai LuoYin was thinking to get a part-time job.

International students in Australia are allowed to have maximum 20 hours of working hours a week. If Bai LuoYin can max out the maximum hours, with the minimum wage he might be able to get Aus$ 360 per week. The cheapest used car might cost around Aus$ 12,000? Assumed the part-time job is smoothly done, he might be able to get the car after 8 months??? Damn, it's too long. While Bai LuoYin was pondering the problems in his mind, suddenly he sensed something weird, when he turned his head, he saw Darryn already sitting next to him, staring at him with a silly gaze.

"Fuck! Darryn, what the hell are you doing? you scared me!" Bai LuoYin shouted as he startled from his seat.

Laughing out loud, Darryn replied, "I should be the one who asked you, what the hell are you doing? I've been knocking and calling you for a few minutes, you didn't even blink!"

"Did you?" said Bai LuoYin with a puzzled look on his face.

"What are you thinking about LuoYin? You seem lost."

"Nothing. I was just thinking about getting part-time jobs. I want to get a car but I don't want to ask for money from my mom. After I calculated everything, I will only be able to buy the car after 8 months. That's too fucking long!"

"Hmm... I see... Hey, you played guitar right?"


"And I know you can sing too. I've heard you sing before, You got a nice voice."

"well, thank you. But what's your point?"

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