Chapter 32

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"This was so great. Thank you, Mummy.", Isabelle said when they finally entered the house back home. Catherine was carrying 6 bags and Isabelle another 6. They got in nearly every shop in the shopping mall. They were both exhausted but happy. Isabelle enjoyed having the afternoon alone with her mother. She knew that the guilty conscience of her mother was the main reason behind it, but she didn't care. And she was happy to show her new clothes to Gemma the next day.

Catherine took out her phone and called granny Ginny: "Hey, mom, we're home now. Can you please send Maggie over for dinner? And thank you once again for taking care of her, while we're in Reading... What? She already ate. But it's only half past six... We're not too late ... No, it doesn't matter.... Can you please send her over anyways, please? ... No, I don't care, if she's watching TV right now... Okay, just this show and then please bring her.... I take responsibility for my children.... You know we had this appointment.... Of course, Maggie counts.... Ugh, can we just discuss this another day? Thank you... Bye."

Her mother hung up and exhaled deeply: "Seems, that's just the two of us for dinner. Maggie comes later. Anyways ... More sushi for us." She grinned and took the bag with the sushi take away into the kitchen.

"I'm bringing my stuff into my room.", Isabelle said and took her bags up to her room. Finally, inside her room she displayed all her new belongings on her bed. There were three new tops, a new skirt, two dresses, three new bras with matching panties, a new cover for her phone, black and blue nail polish, a complete, new palette with eyeshadow, a new coat, three pairs of shoes, a new necklace with matching earrings, ring and bracelet, a new jumper, a new pyjama, etc.

For the weekend her mother had promised her to go to the hairdressers together. Isabelle was allowed to colour her hair for the first time, if she wants to. Something she wants to discuss with her best friend Gemma first, but just having given the opportunity to do so, was great.

"Isabelle, are you coming down again, please?", she heard her mother yelling.

She sighed, because she wanted to facetime Gemma first, but she knew she had to eat now. Even a little bit. It would be suspicious if she wouldn't and if she could find an excuse to leave right after dinner, she would be able to get rid of it again.

"I'm coming, Mummy.", she yelled back and went out of her room.

When Jeffrey got out of the apartment building it was almost getting dusky. He rubbed with the back of his hand over his mouth violently to get the taste of her and the wine away. He was not sure what to do now.

Anxiously he looked up and down the road. Renting a car, getting a hotel room for the night, taking a taxi back home. He was completely unsure, what might be the best decision.

It started to rain. Cursing he put his coat back on and ran down the street towards the city centre and station, still not sure were to go. It was nearly impossible to supress the urge to talk to his wife. He had to talk about this with her. No secrets anymore. They had to be honest with each other, even if it was hard, but in his opinion, it was the only way to save their marriage. If he wasn't honest, he couldn't demand it from her.

When he reached finally the station it was almost seven p.m. He sat himself down in a small café inside the station and took his phone out.

No missed calls. Neither from Carol, nor Catherine. He dialled Catherine's number. It took a while but then she answered.

"Hey, Darling.", she said with her mouthful, "How was the rest of your day? Isy and I went spontaneously shopping. It was great ... Yes, you can leave, Isy. ... Sorry, we just finished eating. So, what about you? What did you have for dinner?"

"Cathy, I love you so much.", he sobbed, completely overwhelmed by hearing her voice so friendly and bubbly as if nothing had happened between them earlier.

"I love you, too, Jeff.", she said. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, I just needed to hear your voice.", he said and scolded himself a liar.

"Just that? You're so cute.", she laughed.

"You're not mad at me, are you?", he asked anxiously.

"No, why should I?", Catherine asked back confused.

He was not able to answer and there was a moment of silence.

"Jeff? Are you still there?"

"Yes ... Listen, Cathy, I'm coming home tonight. I think we need to talk."

"I kissed Will today.", Catherine suddenly said.

"I know, Darling. I don't want to talk about that.", Jeffrey calmed her down.

"You weren't with Robert today, were you?", Catherine said and he heard that she started crying silently.

"No, I wasn't. I'm coming home now. It's maybe getting late, but be sure I'll be there tonight."

"I'm glad you're coming home.", she said honestly.

After hanging up, Jeffrey decided to have dinner before getting a rented car and drive home.

Catherine must have been fallen asleep, and she first didn't realise what has woken her up. She was lying on couch in the living room, where she had waited for Jeffrey. She looked at the big clock at the wall. It was already a quarter past 12. The telephone in the hallway rang again and Catherine recognized it as the sound which had awoken her.

She looked on her mobile phone, but there were no missed calls, when she jumped up to get the call on the landline.


"Is this Mrs Catherine Weaver?"

"Yes, it's her. Who's speaking?"

"My name is Horace Greenwald. I'm from the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading. Your husband has been involved in a car accident. Due to the severe injuries, he's still in the OR. There were used already several resuscitation procedures and at the moment he seemed stable for the operation, but we're still not sure if he'll survive the night. I'm very sorry. And I would advise that you'll come here soon."

Catherine felt as if the ground just opened below her and her legs didn't work properly as she fell down on her knees near the cupboard with the telephone base station on it.

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