Chapter Twenty

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Over the next couple months Joey and Matt slowly began to rebuild their friendship. Matt and I it's been slower. I love him, I always will he is my brother but every time I think we are going to try to rebuild our relationship our parents say something or do something that seems to drive a wedge between us again. 

"Joey, I don't know what to wear to your graduation!"

"Pasties and a G string would be nice."

"You're such an asshole,"

"You love me though"

"Besides the point."

"It the total point, and if you don't hurry up, I'm going to be late for my own graduation."

"Ten minutes...."

"Ten minutes for what it takes you more than ten minutes to pick out a nail polish color."

"If you keep talking to me its going to take longer"

"Fine...Peyton 30 minutes, we have to be walking out the door"

"yeah, yeah I hear you"

"Peyton 30 minutes or I'm coming back in here and carrying you out in whatever you have on."

He walked out, yeah, he was already ready, all he had to do is slap on a shirt pants and tie his graduation gown covers everything. He doesn't understand that I have to look perfect it's such a huge day for him. I rushed back to the closet feverishly going through every dress I have but nothing was right. I was becoming frustrated. I had 5 minutes I threw on my lavender dress and ran down the stair's heels still in my hand.

"I'm here I'm done we can go"

"God Peyton cutting it close, I have to be there in 20 minutes."

"Well shut up and get in the car,"

"I can never understand why it takes you so long to get ready."

"If you two don't stop bickering like a couple of two-year old's and get in the car Joesph will miss his own graduation."

"Yes, mom we both said at the same time and got in the car."

It was a short drive to the school and as soon as we pulled in Joey jumped out and ran into the building. Kay, Tom and I headed in back to find our seats the ceremony would be starting soon. I was so proud of Joey but nervous all at the same time, also sad really. I'm sad because I know once the summer ends Joey will be off to school 2 hours away and I'll be alone. My heart dropped as we went to our seats just a few feet away were my parents. My father looked up at me and immediately turned away and mother wouldn't even look at me at all. My heart broke just a little more. I don't know what I expected, my parents haven't spoken or seen me in 7 months. I feel a hand on my back, and I look over,

"Don't worry yourself with them princess, we love you. Don't let them upset you."

I smiled; he was right you know. We took our seats just as Joey and the entire graduating class come out and took their seats. Soon enough Joey will be officially a graduate and off to Syracuse University. I watched so many people that have been some point a part of my life take the stage and receive their diploma, up next was Matt, I watched him get his diploma. I felt a tear in my eye, no matter what has happened that was my brother up there. Next was Joey,

"Joesph McIntyre"

I hear the crowd cheer and I watched him walk across the stage. I feel the tear drop. I look over Kay she looked so proud tears sliding from her eyes. He did it, after everything he did it. The ceremony lasted another hour and a half. I really didn't pay too much attention; I watched my brother and my boyfriend graduate. A text pulled me from my thoughts,

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