Chapter 10

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Hello everyone!

Sorry this is late. I'm working on building a backlog so this won't happen again but it is sorta difficult when I am going through a rough phase of ADHD/Depression. I have a longer A/N at the end for more explanation, but TLDR there is a lot happening rn. No Worries! I will have this bitch up and running like a track star within the coming weeks. Bear with me for now!



It had been two days since Aria had been toured around the house and gone on a brisk walk (that should have been a run but her mate was embarrassed) through the surrounding forest. At the current moment, Camden was showering in the en suite bathroom connected to his bedroom. Due to Camden's desire to get to know each other, as he so clearly put it, the rogue was stuck sleeping in a guest bedroom. Seeing as she had nothing to do besides wait, Aria decided to find her way to the kitchen and perhaps make some breakfast.

I need food and I need it now, she thought with a huff as she rounded a corner and came face to face with the beginning of  a long hallway that was definitely not the way to the kitchen.

"Come on," Aria groaned, even going so far as to childishly stomp her foot in frustration. "I just want some fucking bacon."

A laugh interrupted Aria's complaints, and she turned to see the doctor from her stay at the hospital approaching.

"I take it you're lost?"

Aria could have been embarrassed. However, this house was ridiculously large and she was ridiculously hungry. Pairing those two factors together, the rouge could not care less about the whether she appeared confused.

If admitting I'm lost means I get a snack, then so be it, she thought in acceptance of her fate.

"Yes, unfortunately. And, sorry about this, but I don't really remember your name... " Aria trailed off as the woman raised a single trimmed eyebrow.

"You realize I took care of you for quite a bit of time, introduced myself to you at least once and wore a name tag?"

Aria felt her cheeks heat up as she cleared her throat and awkwardly popped the knuckles in her thumbs. Her tongue pressed up against the inside of her cheek and she scratched the back of her head as her eyes zeroed in on a blemish on the wall. 

The silence that was offered in response to the good doctor's taunt hung in the air like a pendulum that squeaked with every swing. The woman cleared her through before offering a hand to Aria, whose eyes quickly shifted at the motion. 

"Sorry, I might have acted familiar with you a little too soon. My mate has told me that I need to work on that." Her smile was one of apology that almost made Aria feel bad for being so standoffish. "My name is Hazel and, as you already know, I'm one of the pack doctors. I technically already know your name, so I'll just say it's nice to meet you, Aria." 

Aria grasped Hazels hand and immediately noticed the various callouses and scars that littered it. Her eyebrows raised in surprise before she could stop it and Hazel took notice. 

"They all have their own story," she said, referencing her aged injuries. "How about I show you to the kitchen and tell you on the way?" 

Thank fuck, Aria cheered silently as Hazel gestured for Aria to walk beside her and began strolling down the hallway that Aria had first come from. 

"Thank you so much," Aria said with a nod of her head and a smile. "I'm guessing your hands are evidence of your hard work in your field?" 

Hazel's mouth lifted into a sly grin. "Not quite, actually. You could say I accidentally became a doctor. My original path in life was as a soldier." 

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