Chapter 21 - Jude

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A/N: alrighty folks. Thank you for reading this far into the story. I appreciate the time you have spent with it and the time you have taken to get to know my characters! I just wanted to provide some updates regarding the schedule and plan for the rest of this story as well as a tiny little life update before we dive into the next main arc of this story.

In terms of scheduling, this story will be updated EITHER once or twice a month. These updates will come (always) on the 30th of every month, and (in months where there are two updates) the 15th. This schedule will not change.

Life update (which gives reasoning for the schedule): I am currently in the last three semesters of my masters program, which requires me to write a full novel. Now, while I have done this before, this novel is different from EOD. This means that I am currently writing two novels at the exact same time. In order to preserve my sanity, I must keep to this monthly rather than weekly schedule.

The Eve of Darkness is officially past its first arc. In total, there are four arcs to this book. I hope you will stick along as we go through this journey together!

That's all! Enjoy the chapter :)


"I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you." - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist


For a moment—just a small, minuscule, tiny moment—Jude had forgotten that life, in its grand habit of throwing curveballs at unsuspecting people, would probably direct its aim towards him. It had slipped his mind that, in the larger scope of things, their pack had had it fairly easy these last few years, and because of that, it was highly likely that they were queued up for some platinum level bullshit. Finding Aria, their fucking Sola, strung up like Saint Peter in Rome, in the basement of some violent humans with psychopathic tendencies, should've been the first clue that there was about to be a storm in their ocean, a fire in their forest, and earthquake in their lands, a—

You get the idea.

Jude should have known better than to allow himself to be complacent. Researching the potential of the H.O.A. being present in their territory wasn't enough. As the Beta of the Darkwoods Pack, he should've considered everything. From the potential of another group of hunters finding residence in their territory to a meteor striking the fucking earth. 

Maybe, if he had just put a little bit more thought into it, he would've been prepared. 

He would've been at least a little more capable of comprehending what was happening when he was left alone, in his office, with his fucking mate staring at him from across the room. 

They couldn't change logistics of the plan for the cabin mission. They'd spent literally weeks putting it off, prepping, investigating the surrounding area, and monitoring the cabin for any signs of life or a trap. To change everything just because of the arrival of a Council representative would've have been ridiculous. 

Even if that Council representative just happened to be Jude's mate. 

"We will contact you if we find anything or if anything unexpected happens," Xiomara commented, her eyes flicking back and forth between Jude and Rowen. An enflamed mirth was vibrant in her honey-colored gaze, and Jude wanted nothing more than to shift and tackle the head warrior on the spot. 

It's been a while since I've shifted, and this would make a great opportunity, Jude had mused to himself, narrowing his eyes at his friend as Camden snorted out a brief laugh. That laugh was immediately covered up by the alpha clearing his own throat. 

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