Getting Back..

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"We're here" her voice called from the door, I rushed to see if she was ok. She's been missing since after 10 this morning, she raced out of the office and seemed to be driving around.

After a few blocks we lost track of her, now here she stood, with my son out like a light in her arms. He looked unharmed and I sighed out of relief that I have the both of them safe.

My heart jumped into my throat,as the tears seem to fall uncontrollably.

"Daddy" he called as he ran into my arms, it felt great holding him once again in my arms.

"My boy" I cried as we nuzzled eachother, time seem to slow as we held eachother, my son is safe and unharmed, I wonder where he was or who took him.

Pretty soon he was taken from me as my both Rico and my father hugged him.

"Mio dolce nipote........oh how I've missed you boy" he cried

"I missed you man"Rico said

"Papa took great care of me" he said and the whole room froze and looked at Annalisa and myself.

"What's he talking about?"I asked her

"How about Sean meeting Shiera first and I'll explain"she said her tone and the way she looked made it clear how she was feeling.

"Sure...later for sure you better explain" I said

"Sure sure" I said, kissing her cheek as our son went on and on about how cute his sister was. The rest of day was spent with the four of us in our room.

Everyone had left a little while ago,so it was just the four of us.

Somewhere between the disney movies and talking with Sean we all fell asleep.

As usual,both Annalisa and I got up when it was Shiera's feeding time.

"So care to explain what he was talking bout?" I asked her and she looked at me and sighed, thn the tears started

"My father took him from your mother"she said sadly

"What?....didn't he die?how?"The jumble of unanswered questions flooded my mind.

"I don't know...but he left grow up alone,sad every time his birthday came around....was I that bad of a child"she paused

"I can't fathom the idea of leaving either of my kids...." she said silently

"But if its to save their lives...or give them a chance at a safe life.....will you selfishly stay knowing that your the reason their lives are at risk or will u leave to keep them safe?"I asked her

"Stefano...." she sighed

"I know how hard the thought is,I've thought about it a lot,since I got back with you.....I'd fight the world for you....but if me leaving saves you from permanent pain.....I'd leave....just so that pretty lil smile of yours stays so bright and I know that you'll do that to save our kids as much as it'll hurt you"I told her pulling her into a tight hug.

"You meant the world to both your parents they did the best they could but they wanted more than anything was to save your life and to give you the safest life they knew what they would be giving up but letting you have those moments were the most important thing to them.....they loved you no matter what"I said softly into her ear as I felt her tears dampen my t-shirt.

We stayed there for however long,then Shiera woke up crying,I got her up changed her diaper and sat in the rocking chair with her.

My sweet babygirl,her big greenish-brown eyes looks up at me tiredly,her curly hair messy from her pulling it a few times. The way her tiny face pouts looking up at him.

"You couldn't sleep either?"I cooed as she nodded with a half smile

"My baby girl....I wish you nothing but the best and I'll show you what you need from a man"
I told her rocking back and forth, then she slowly fell back to sleep, I chuckled at her face because both her and Sean sleep like their mother,with their hand under their head with that little pout that they do.

I take her with me back to bed as I look on at my soon-to-be wife and my son. Two of the most precious people I have in my life.

If any harm was to come to either of them I don't think the world would b able to handle it.

Kissing all three of them I get under the covers and turn off the light and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

AN:Sorry for the late updates...I'm at a lost for ideas...heads up two more chapters left in this great adventure....
If u guys like it let me know if u want a part two about Annalisa n Stefano or about Sean and Shiera...
I look forward to ur comments

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