Ch. 2 Morning Starts with Breakfast

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It was early morning as A-chan started to get ready for her first day at her new college. A-chan went down stairs, hoping to not wake anyone up. As she made her way to the kitchen to make her breakfast, she could already smell something cooking. A-chan enters the kitchen, to see Omegaa's back turned away from her. Omegaa was already fully dressed and wearing an apron with her hair tied up. A-chan could never get used to how beautiful Omegaa looked when she was alone.

A-chan: "And here I thought I'd finally woke up before you."

Omegaa: "Ah, A-chan. Good morning, I almost have breakfast ready. I also have your bento ready on the counter."

A-chan was a little surprised, she knew Omegaa would make her breakfast like she normally does. But the bento was new, A-chan just thought that she'd go to a convenience store to get food.

A-chan: "You didn't have to prepare me a bento. I could have just gone to the store to get me something."

Omegaa: "No worries, I was already preping for the kids lunches, and went ahead to cook yours. Besides, isn't today your first day at the local collage here? I'd feel bad if you ate nothing more than a rice ball or bread for lunch."

A-chan felt really touched by Omegaa's kindness. For the past week of living together A-chan could never grasp what Omegaa is thinking or how they act sometimes. But one thing A-chan knew for sure was that Omegaa was very kind and nurturing towards everyone. Even if she is very blunt about everything.

A-chan: "Thank you Omegaa."

Omegaa: "Your welcome A-chan. Now come sit down at the table."

Omegaa was about to start setting, when A-chan came up and grabbed the soup bowls from Omegaa's. Only for A-chan to accidently slip and pining Omegaa between her and the counter.

A-chan: "Sorry Omegaa, I lost my footing... for a, moment."

It was just then that A-chan noticed how close she was to Omegaa's face.

A-chan: "I-I... Um. Ah? C-can at least set the t-table for you."

Omegaa was speechless as A-chan got lost in their eyes. What was this moment of silence? What was this sudden beating?

A-chan: 'Eh!? Am, am I falling for Omegaa? What's happening?'

Just when it looked like Omegaa was about to say something. A sleepy Gura walks in.

Gura: "Ome, fuda."

A-chan and Omegaa both jumped at the sudden new voice. Gura was so hungry that she woke up on her own and came down the stairs by herself. A-chan quickly stepped away and proceeded to set the table. Omegaa went to pick up her sleepy baby girl. A-chan could feel how red her face was. She couldn't understand this sudden new feeling. With the tabel being set, out of the corner of A-chan eyes she could see that the tips of Omegaa's ears turned red also. A-chan couldn't control the butterflys that were flying in her stomach. Did Omegaa also have feelings for A-chan as well? Or was it just an awkward situation for her?

As things started to die down between the two. Everyone took their seat at the table. Omegaa seemed to be acting normal now as she watched her daughter try and eat her food. Mostly to make sure that Gura didn't choked on the food she was devouring. This was probably the first time that all three of them got to sit down and eat together. As strange as it may seem, A-chan did exactly feel out of place while eating with the other two. Omegaa could see A-chan lost in thought and would even offer small conversation's. Everything about Omegaa just felt so peaceful.

Omegaa: "Hey A-chan? Tomorrow I'll be taking the kids out on a field day at a nearby flower garden. If you want you can join us if you'd like?"

A-chan: "I don't know."

A-chan couldn't help but feel Omegaa's gaze on her. She always felt flustered whenever she saw Omegaa looking at her.

A-chan: "M-maybe I can drop by for a few minutes after one of my classes ends."

Omegaa smiled at hearing that A-chan was thinking of joining the field trip. Once again A-chan could feel the sounds from her chest as she saw that beautiful smile. A-chan quickly finished off her morning coffee and stood up, suddenly surprising Omegaa and Gura both.

A-chan: "I-I should be heading out now. I'll see you both later."

A-chan quickly left out the door and headed toward her college.

A-chan: 'Calm down A-chan. They're just being friendly. You don't need to fall so hard for the person you just met and rented a room from. The invite was just a friendly gesture, nothing more. B-but it did feel like there might be something there... Ah! Think realistically this isn't some anime or romance movie. I just need to focus on my studies and get hired by a good company, then you can start thinking about finding a partner or whatever you want after that.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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