Chapter 4

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Violet was practically skipping beside Rowan, the basket in her hand swinging, seemingly unaffected by Rowan's violent mood beside her. Rowan's ears were flat on her head, covered by her hood. She glared at people as they walked past from the safety of the darkness the cloak gave her.

Suddenly, she couldn't look at any of the faces around her anymore. Instead, she turned her eyes and watched the blue ribbon in Violet's hair as it bounced up and down. As she did her hands started to unclench. She hadn't even realized that she had clenched them so hard that her claws had been digging into her skin.

She thought back to what happened in the orphanage and her anger immediately came back. Before Rowan had been able to do anything the Mistress had shown up, immediately diffusing the situation. Ultimately, Violet had practically had to drag Rowan out by her tail.                  Afterwards, they had gone to Franco and bought cinnamon buns for them to share. They decided to the basket and eat them back in the forest out of town.

Suddenly, out of nowhere a hooded black figure bumped into Rowan. The force of it made her stumble slightly in surprise. Rowan whipped her head around to look at the cloaked figure, her hood flying off and a growl rising in her throat. 

However, just as she was about to yell something truly vile at the figure, she felt something soft gently touch her hand. Rowan looked back to find that Violet had grabbed her hand. Violet's wide, blue eyes gazing at her showed a sort of sadness in them. Violet looked at Rowan and gave a slight shake of her head as if to say it's not worth it.

Rowan let out a huff, but let Violet lead her by the hand, out of the town.


Rowan paced back and forth in the small, underground cave. Dirt clung to the roots that hung from the ceiling. There was a slight incline at the entrance that led to a hole. Light flooded in from the hole that led to above ground.

Violet sat leaning against Valkan. The kirin was laying down with his wolf-like head resting on his paws. He had a strong agile body that was covered in oak-brown fur on his back and lighter brown fur that covered his stomach up to his chest. His fur was decorated along his spine with white spots like a deer. A pair of large, majestic looking antlers sat on his head. He had a long tail that pillowed out at the end, which currently rested on Violet's lap.

Valkan watched Rowan with narrowed eyes as she paced back and forth. Rowan got the feeling that while the kirin liked Violet he had never come to fully trust Rowan. Rowan and Violet had found Valkan while they were in the forest about a year ago. When they found him he had been badly injured on one of his back legs. Rowan and Violet had cared for the kirin until he had been fully recovered, however since then Valkan had continued to stay in the area, settling down nearby. Ever since then Rowan and Violet often visited him in his cave that he had made a home.

Suddenly, something hit Rowan in the back of the head.

"Did you just throw a rock at me?" Rowan accused Violet, continuing her pacing without looking at her.

"Yeah. You're making me dizzy with all of your pacing." Violet laughed, "Come sit down and eat a cinnamon bun with me". Rowan ignored her though and kept pacing back and forth, however when she saw another object flying at her this time she was ready. She caught the cinnamon bun in one hand without pausing a second.

"Rowan you better come sit your furry butt down and enjoy a cinnamon bun before I get up and make you"

"And how do you plan on doing that?" She replied with a smirk.

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