you meet s e l e v e r

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        (before we start,f/f: fav food f/d: fav drink f/c:  fav color, h/c:hair color  y/n: your name and y/n is gonna fit all genders:D )


          You wake up in your f/c bed and you look at the time 1:07 am.  You sigh as you get up and decide to go on your phone since you had nothing better to do but decide to instead to make(or order)some f/d.   (t i m e   s k i p:,D)As you finished your f/d and it happened again, you had spaced out, as you frantically look at the time, 5:38 am.   You sigh in relief as you get up to take a shower.   ( t i m e  s k i p  a g a  i n :,D) After you got ready to go to explore the city,for you and your family had recently moved there because it was closer to your parent's jobs also was better because your last school was trash.   You open the door carefully since its 6:17, and you head out, waiting a few seconds to see if you woke anyone up, perfect they are still asleep, you thought to yourself and began to start walking around the neighborhood.   You decided to go to the park since you heard its really nice.   While on your way there, you notice a bright pink church. It had a few flowers near the entrance and a few broken pillars but it was in over all good shape. *huh that looks cool* you thought to yourself, walking to the church to explore it. Your at the doorstep, now wondering if this a good idea but your thoughts were interrupted- "Hey what are you doing here?"  You slightly jump and turn around and in your mind*well heck i screwed up) you quickly try to say something but all that came out was a stutter but then you look at who had said that, it was a half white and half pink demon or you assumed so from the horns on his head he had fluffy hair and was wearing a maroon sweater and black pants, and he was practically staring into your soul. So are you gonna tell me why you are here? the guy said:"o-oh right sorry I just saw the church and wanted to see since im new here." The guy just kept staring into your soul and both of you were just standing there until someone from inside  the church went: "Selever don't scare our guest! Hello dear are you interested in joining our church?" You turn to the person, she was a pink nun or she looked like one, she had a bright smile on her face and look like neopolitan ice cream? Before you knew it, you were inside the church, the neopolitan ice cream looking lady said her name was Sarvente but that you could call her Sarv. "What is your name?" sarv asked, "oh my name is y/n nice to meet you"you say nervously still kinda shocked about what just happened. Sarv was making the ":0" face, "wow thats a nice name you have!" "T-thanks." you laugh a bit at Sarv's excitement of your name. "So would you like to join the church? or are you a friend of Selever and i didn't know?" "Oh that is his name?" you reply while tilting your head slightly, she nods. "Well looking at the time its about 2:01,im sorry but i must go can you meet here again tomorrow at whatever time fits you?"  "Oh i can do 3:30 tomorrow if thats fine!" Sarv nods and waves you good bye as you leave the church. You finally reach the park like you planned. An hour or two goes by and you check the time, 4:37. You got up quickly and started going to a cafe called dewdrop's cafe. It was a nice cafe with special effects that go on in the cafe every now and then. You go inside and walk up to the cash register.( t i m e  s k i p :,D) after getting f/f and f/d the place started to darken. You had made it in time for the special effects of the cafe that made it popular other than the quality of its food. The place went into a dark blue lighting and and on the walls projected rain with a bunch of flowers and rocks and a pond. The way the cafe had been built made it so that the chairs and tables matched when this event happened. On the floor was also projected grass with the flowers and rocks with the pond. A few adults got up with their drinks and food and went to the another room for incase some people didn't like it and wanted to be in peace meanwhile the sound of soft rain was played. Most people were in awe some of them new to this experience and some not. You smile as you see some kids look really happy.(t i m e  s  k i p:,D) You tip the place and leave feeling happy but then checked your phone and it was now 6:16. You started to run for dear life as in your head panics.*heck mom is gonna kill me go go go:,D) a few minutes of running later and you make it home but before you go on the path you notice both cars are gone.*Oh right they are working today* and then you realized you ran for nothing, you sighed but relieved.( t i m e  s k i p :,D)you were ordering food for you and your parents would be home in about 30 minutes and then you heard a doorbell.*who the actual heck would that be. I just finished the order, are they really this fast;-;'.) You go to the peephole to see selever again.

                      im sorry this is it for now my hands are killing me and i need to think of a few things for the story:,D idk if anyone sees this but ye here is the chapter:D

You are utter chaos.... Selever x  y/nWhere stories live. Discover now