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                                     It was around 2 when you woke up.  You looked at the time and decided to listen to some music because why not. You get up and go to your laptop and turn it on, you type your password and go onto the tabs and head to Youtube. You grin when you remembered a song that matched the vibe of the time it was.  You put on your head phones and go to the song.
  (i may or may not listen to this sometimes at night- if you are uncomfortable with concerning stuff, I suggest you don't listen to this;v;)

               You were just moving you head to the beat when your phone went ding.
You check it to see its selever.* why the heck is he awake right now-*
He had texted to see if you were awake, which you texted back: yes why-.
                because i wanna call. Its 2:49 am-. Your phone goes off and you answer it, putting in earphones. It showed a video call so you quickly cover the camara and see that selever is just bouncing off the walls and full of energy. You start snickering and take a few screenshots to show him later.(few minutes later cuz yes) You are in his house and you and him were vibing with the song you had on earlier when sarvente came in. You guys didn't even notice until selever went to use the bathroom. Sarv just looks at selever in disappointment but also not shocked at the same time. "Why are you guys up right now.""Im just trying to help selever because he is crazy right now."you reply. She sighs and leaves. Selever goes to close the door and starts laughing. (2 hours later:,D) You tell him goodbye and head home, its now 4:29am. You go through the window carefully and you are about to close the window when your sibling turns on the light. "got anything to say before I snitch?" You froze and turn your head."30 bucks to shut up." you say."Alright i don't know what happened bye~." they say once they got their money. You get into your bed and start to drift off to sleep...

                                                      I just got this idea yesterday and decided to write it i hope you liked it also the first half may or may not have been based on real life events- guess we will never know but thank you so much for 104 reads and 7 votes i really appreciate it and i will try to make more mini stories like this hope you have a great day/night/whatever time it is for you bye!

                                                                      from, mushroom:D

You are utter chaos.... Selever x  y/nWhere stories live. Discover now