Chapter One

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Hey! We're publishing this story as soon as we make any edits, so the way you'll be able to tell that the chapter is over is seeing ' by CaptainSpaero and phoebeshalom ' so just keep checking to see new edits unless you see the credits. Thanks for reading!!

I am so dead.

I had to finish this very long and boring science book and I completely forgot about it. Not so bad, right? (That was sarcasm, by the way.)

The bad news is my science class would be starting in five minutes. There was no way I could finish a book in that amount of time. Unless if it was one of those baby books, But It was not. Of course. I better start planning my own funeral.
I'm practically a zombie already. Oh, man.

I started walking to my science class as I furiously read through the pages, though it was no use. My nose in the book as I continued reading. I knew I wasn't suposed to read while walking in the halls, but like who cares, and everyone was in class now and I had to finish this book, or else I would seriously be dead meat. Not that I'm not already, and my dream of medicine would literally be butchered.

As I turned the corner, I collided into a ruthless stranger.

"Oh my gosh. Watch where you're going, duffer," I said savagely as I bent to pick up my books, which had scattered all over the floor.

"Uh, yea right, says the one who's reading, while walking."

"Oh, well; shut up Duffer, admit it, you bumped into me. I was not looking where I was going so it's not my fault because my eyes were busy looking somewhere else. But! You weren't looking at anything, so your eyes weren't occupied so it's obviously your fault for such a poor lack of smartness and blindness."  I know, it doesn't make much sense, but it should be enough to shut him up.

He smirked "maybe I was looking at you."

"Y-You were?" I stuttered, a little taken back. Kinda flattered, looking down, a small smile spreading across my face. No one had ever look looked at me.

"No of course not Looser."

Ugh, Idiot. I picked up my last book and whacked him with it. He deserved that.

"Hey, what that for!?" he yelled.

"EVERYTHING." I said grumpily as we both rolled our eyes and went our own ways. As I started walking to class I realized that the person I bumped into was Ro. The most handsome most popular, coolest guy in our university. (Definitely not in my opinion. Just... that was the popular decision. Something I definitely don't agree with. Just making that clear.) He basically ruled this college.

Iv'e seen girls practically throw themselves at him. But I'm not like most girls. All I care about is my dream. I rolled my eyes, whatever.

It turns out that we didn't need to finish the book by this class, it was supposed to be finished next science class. I wanted to rage so badly. And that Duffer who I bumped into got me another lecture for being late. I really should pay way more attention to the professor . I sighed. This was going to be another long class. I went to work getting all the lab equipment ready before I got another lecture about not doing what I was supposed to.

After Class

"Ohhh Zara, you're so lucky! I can't believe you had a private conversation with him! And with no one else around!"

Yup you guessed, that was my friend Kriss. We were just talking about our day and I shared about how I had had a horrible morning. Apparently I was 'lucky.' I rolled my eyes at her.

"Like I care. He's just a rich, show off brat," I said.

Kriss just stared at me like I had just sworn. I have never said a single swear word my entire life. People think I'm innocent, but after what you've just read, you probably don't think I'm so innocent anymore.

I was with my best friends Kriss, Karina, Jax and Chase, hanging around after college.

"Woah, you did not throw a book at my friend," Jax playfully punched me. Zaine and Ro were apparently 'friends' which upset me more. How could he be friends with such a ruthless idiotic moron!? I rolled my eyes yet again. My friends could be so annoying sometimes.

"For you information,  I did not throw a book at him, I whacked him with a book.

"Same thing. Either way you hit him." He muttered.

"Oh, well like, who cares. Anyway, I'm going for a walk to clear my mind," I announced. I loved walking around the college campus, it was so beautiful.

"Don't forget about our dinner plans!" Kriss called after me.

By CaptainSpaero and phoebeshalom

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