Chapter Eleven

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F. R. I. E. N. D. S

Hi! This is an ongoing editing story. Which means we will publish it as soon as we make any edits, so keep checking back for new edits! When the chapter is finished, we will write ' by CaptainSpaero and phoebeshalom '


"Do you want to invite the gang over?" Ro asked after about two hours, when there was finally a lull in our conversation.

"Yeah! Can we? Would they want to come? That would be so fun!"

As you can probably tell, I was a bit more cheery after talking to Ro.

"Yeah, of course they'll want to come." Ro seemed different too, more happy and satisfied. He texted them all, asking them to come over for a movie and snacks.

"Not snacks, though. I'm starving. More like a movie and buffet."

"A movie and buffet it is," he said, correcting his text with a laugh. "What should we order?"

"Well, get them to bring stuff. The more the merrier, especially when it comes to food."

Ro laughed out loud at that one. "Okay, that's something I agree with as well." He proceeded to text the gang to bring the food.

"Ah, food," I said, exhaling with a satisfied sigh. "Okay, what movie?"

"Any Johnny Depp movie is out."

"Aww, come one, please!!!" I gave him my cutest puppy look.

He laughed. "Nope, never."

"FINE! But remember, I don't even like him anymore. So ha! Take that!!"

"Good. I'm glad I won't have to see his ugly face."

I threw a pillow at him. But I missed. Like, how!?

"Haha, loser! Anyway, how about Spiderman?"

"Only a Tom Holland one."

"Deal. Homecoming it is!"

We smiled and shook hands. Then looked into each other's eyes for a moment. It didn't seem awkward, which was unexpected. Finally when we broke apart, I felt a new feeling. Something new. Something... good.

I turned away shyly. "So, should we get the couch and stuff ready?"

"Yup," he said, looking at me again. I blushed a bit. Believe it or not, I wasn't really used to a lot of attention from boys. That was a joke, you can laugh.

We made our way downstairs and made some random jokes about falling.

Not in love, of course.

I never said that.

Down the stairs, obviously.

You knew that, right?

Yeah. Not in love, down the stairs.

I started to make a joke in my head about how there's not really a different- when I tripped over his shoelace, somehow he fell too and we both slipped down the stairs landing in a heap at the bottom. We were laughing for a long time. I didn't think about the joke I made in my head, though. Don't worry, my leg was fine, since the cast was literally as hard as a rock.


"Yeah?" I said when we'd finished laughing.

"I, um... uh..." He seemed to change his mind halfway through his sentence. "Do you wanna grab blankets and pillows and make a fort?" He had on a boyish, bashful grin. "I've heard it's a fun thing to do with your.... friend."

"Yeah! Sounds great!"

We went down and made a fort in front of the TV. We were about ten minutes in when something happened.

I was hanging up a blanket, he was pulling one down, when I accidentally fell into his arms. He caught me, and we ended up tangled in each other's arms. We just kind of stayed like that for a second. Then we laughed.

"So how exactly do we get out of this?" I asked, laughing. He shrugged smiling. We both twisted and turned until we were back on the couch laughing. But then my face got serious, as there was something I really had to say. 

"Um, Duffer?"

"Yeah loser?"

"I'm, uh, sorry, for being so mean to you before. I always thought you were just a rich brat who has a bunch of girlfriends and is a big show off. You're still a big show off, but you're actually really nice, and sweet, and kind, and... I'm sorry. I hope you wanna be my friend, but I don't blame you if you don't." I kind of felt embarrassed. I don't know why, probably because I don't really say sorry very often. No judgies. 

He laughed. "Hey, I am not a show off, I can't help that I'm just good, and way better than you--" his devilish teasing grin made me sooo mad-- "but, of course I wanna be your friend. Like I mean, someone who gets into fights with weird old men, gets chased by drunk weirdos and who's easy to beat in sports, seems pretty fun to me." He was obviously joking, but then his face got serious. "And, you're really fun to hang out with." He smiled bashfully.  

I blushed, "Great! 

We both smiled at each other, lost in a daze, then continued to build our epic fort.

by CaptainSpaero and phoebeshalom 

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