May 17, 2023

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Death Befalls Us All

Today was a very difficult one. My dear friend is no longer with us on this plane. He's fallen asleep indefinitely in the dreaded slumber we all know exists but hardly ever imagine how close it can really touch us. As I went about my day at work my memories were flooded with moments we shared; singing together, going on runs, heart to heart conversations about life and aspirations. When you lose someone it's a humbling experience. In a very peculiar way the circumstance invites you to peer into your own life. What meaningful things are you doing? What purpose have you found? Are you striving to be better than you were the day before? Am I complacent? Angry? Happy? ... Empty?

I regret not being able to spend much time with him. My wife reminded me, though, that we were both busy with the woes of life. It's very true. But, what I do know, is that whenever we reconvened during our little journey here on earth it was as if we never left each other's side. He was one of those friends that was always there. The kind of friend you have to think long and hard about to remember when you first met. Although he's gone now he lives on in my memory and in the memory of all those that loved him truly, especially God Almighty. Being that this is a personal experience I will keep, rather than omit, my personal views on the matter of life. I'm convinced he will be awakened one day from his state of non existence to a paradisiac world where we will greet him again. Until then we will mourn. We will cry. But above all we will persevere.

He would want us to. He would not appreciate, nor allow, any of us to use his death as an excuse to fall back. He'd tell us to keep running the race of life no matter what trials or tribulations beset us. I am amazed how even after death he speaks. Despite not being here anymore his memory and example offers comfort and encouragement. He didn't have the easiest lot in life. Neither did he make the greatest of decisions at times. Who doesn't? But I'm proud that the boy I met all those years ago became a wonderful, strong, spiritual man and husband. Words fail to express how privileged I feel to have been able to watch him grow albeit from a distance as we grew older.

To anyone who reads this, regardless of your beliefs, social status or political affiliations. Remember, death affects us all. He is an enemy to all and takes without prejudice. Please, gaze into the wonders of creation. Appreciate those that love you. Find real purpose and satisfying work to do. Be industrious because you never know when or if today will be your last.

What matters most is not the name you are born into the world with but rather the name you make for yourself while you're alive. My beloved neighbors of earth, love with a love that is true.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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