Chapiter 2: The first step

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Izuku was now home. His mom was still working so he trained while waiting. There wasn't enough place in his home for training machines so when he wasn't at the gym he did calisthenics, for example one handed handstands, one armed push-ups, pull-ups while wearing 20 pounds ankle weights from a bar screwed into the top of his door frame and also wore a weighted vest, braces and ankle weights while cooking and cleaning the house. In the week he had one day where he didn't do any training except some stretching exercises to rest his muscles so that he wouldn't ruin his hard work.

Once his mom had finally come home, the Katsudon was already done and they ate in silent. It was like that ever since Izuku had told Inko that he was applying for UA into the hero course, there was a certain tension in between them. After eating, the teen did the dishes and finished preparing his training plan for the next ten months. He had researched and asked personal trainers at the gym he goes to what would be the perfect dream plan for him and he had prepared it whit even his meals. "Man, the next ten months will be hell. Whit training, making the rest of my costume and studying, I'd be lucky if I don't end up dead..."

Like planed, Izuku cleaned Dagoba municipal beach in only 5 months while also working out at the gym and at home. He also went on runs a lot, almost everyday of the week. He also trained at his dojo in Silat, a martial art of not only unarmed but also armed self-defence used in the military before quirks appeared. It was a full body fighting form that incorporated strikes, a special type of footwork, hand motions, joint manipulation and even attacks on the pressure point. Since Izuku was already an experience martial artist whit an almost superhuman eye-to-hand coordination Izuku learned quickly. Not only that but his training in Lethwei and iron bone training made his skeleton way denser then the normal human, which meant that he could strike whit maximum force without fearing for dislocations or his bones breaking. Whit this new fighting style in his already large fighting style arsenal, Izuku was now what would be considered a close combat expert, whether it was unarmed or armed.

Whit Mei, Izuku had finally completed his hero costume. He was proud of his work, even the girl's brother and father were impressed by the boy's crafting skills. After testing it a first time against robots, Mei and her family finally understood: Izuku will be the first quirkless hero. (His costume will be revealed, for now it's a surprise)

 (His costume will be revealed, for now it's a surprise)

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(Ignore the cigarette and imagine Deku's face instead)

Izuku now had one week left before UA and he took this time to relax, after the intense training he went through for ten months, he needed it. He still did stretching and went for short runs but he focused more on his costume and his gadgets, to make sure that everything was working perfectly.

It was now the day of the exam and the green-haired teen couldn't be more ready. He had manage to register his two knuckle dusters in the form of moon crescents for the exam. Making his way into the building, Izuku looked for Kodai. After all they did promise that they would get in UA together, at least if she still remembered the promise, or even his name. Honestly he wouldn't blame her, Yui was a really nice girl so she probably made many friends after she left, plus they were four years old, the only reason why Izuku still remembered her like it was yesterday because she was the first and only person, still to this day, to tell him that he could become a hero.

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