How I Died

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I was a young child. Maybe 6 or 7. I wasn't sure of my age. My father never told me. I was a sad child. Most would describe me as quiet, even shy. I liked to keep to myself. I grew up without my mother, as she passed away before I could even speak. I lived with my father, brother, and sister. My father owned a family diner. I never really saw him, as he spent all of his time working. He took his job very seriously, never taking a break from his work. My older brother, Michael, was not close to me. Due to our large age gap, we didn't get along well. He had his older friends and I had myself. My twin sister, Elizabeth, was adored by my father. He was a strange man, my dad. William Afton. Though he created the diner, he was rarely seen out in the open of the restaurant. I didn't like the diner. I'm not sure if it's because of my dislike of my father or the creepy stories behind it. He wasn't bad to me, he just ignored me. Though it was never spoken, it seemed like he thought I was a disgrace to our family name.


Fredbear's family diner. That was his biggest accomplishment. He and his business partner created animatronics, a fundamental part of the diner. Fredbear and Bonnie. Not only did they serve as entertainment, but also as suits for the employees to walk around in and interact with customers. My father treasured his animatronics. I felt that he loved them more than me, which was most likely the truth. Now, my older brother. He was a bit of a bully towards me. This led to me feeling unloved at home. One afternoon, I was forced to go to the diner with Michael and his stupid friends. As we entered, I was flooded with the sights of colorful tables, smiling families, screaming children, and two tall animatronics in the front. The older boys wandered off to a table, laughing along the way. I headed over to a corner where no one else stood. I watched happy children play with each other. I watched mother's catch up with each other. And then there was me. All by myself in the corner. My saddened thoughts were interrupted as I was approached by Michael and his friends. They walked over, laughing and pushing one another. I remember being nervous, as I didn't like his friends. Their words blurred in my ears and my brain stumbled with thoughts of fear. I snapped back to reality as Michael grabbed one of my shoulders and his tallest friend grabbed the other. I fought against them. I screamed and struggled but no one seemed to care. Families entered and exited the diner, not noticing me or the other boys. They had covered my mouth to stop my yells. I protested, kicking at Michael. My attempts to protest did nothing. They carried me to a corner where the Fredbear animatronic had moved to. All noises had stopped out of my fear. I was face to face with the stupid bear. I was held in midair for a few seconds before Michael lifted me forward. I tried everything to get down. But then, I was inside the head of the bear. Then, black. I could hear faint yells, barely recognizable. Something cold ran down my forehead. I think I felt pain, but I couldn't tell. The taste of metal was on the tip of my tongue. Reality was gone. There was nothing except me and pain. Then, it was empty.

A white void. That's what I opened my eyes to see. An endless void of nothingness. I looked down and tried to move my arms but nothing occurred. Dazed and confused, I tried to remember how I got here, but there was not a single memory in my brain. Slowly, the feeling started returning to my body. I looked down again, and saw what I looked like. I looked the same as when I glanced at myself in the mirror this morning. The white void transformed. The emptiness turned into the interior of a house. Not the house I lived in with my family, but an unfamiliar house. The walls were formed of glossy wood, almost looking like a cabin. I turned to the left to see an accent wall made of red and green velvet. I determined that this was a house from long ago. It looked very victorina, but in a peculiar way. I had appeared in a hallway full of pictures. Another peculiar thing. The picture frames were empty. I started towards the end of the hallway. It led me to a room, perhaps a living room. There was a patterned circle carpet in the middle. It was made up of maroon and amethyst wool. A couch and a sofa sat around one side of the carpet. They were made up of a dark purple leather, embroidered with a strange dark green. On the other side of the carpet was a bookcase. I walked over, wanting to see the titles of the books. As I approached the books, I heard a noise from the next room over. I walked past the furniture and found a door. I opened it and walked into a bedroom. Once again, another reason for this house to be strange. The bedroom was next to the living room. It looked as though I had walked into my father's bedroom, but everything was blue. It was a complete opposite room from the rest of the house. In the center of the room, there was a big bed covered by a large blue quilt. Before I could observe the room any longer, I heard a knock from somewhere. Startled, I ran back to the living room and down the hallway I came from. On the other side of the hallway was a door. Not like the one from the bedroom entrance. This door was made from a dark oak wood with patterns engraved in it. The patterns portrayed vines with abstract roses. The handles were a very shiny silver, curved and long. The metal was designed with swirls at the top and bottom. At the top of the door, there was a window. A knock came from the other side of the door. I looked up at the window. I could see the top of a head. Brown hair. Then, I heard the first sound since I appeared in the house. A voice spoke, "Ello?". It was a soft question, muffled by the door. It repeated itself, "Ello? Please open the door luv". The voice intrigued me. It was a sweet voice. It sounded like a song when he spoke. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened the door. In front of me stood a tall man. He was dressed in a black coat and denim jeans. I looked at his face. He was eager for some reason. He began to speak. "Ello mate. My name is Harry Styles. I am looking for my wife. I think she passed through here". I was confused. Who was this boy and what wife was he talking about? Before I could answer, he spoke again. "My wife's name is Queen Elizabth. Not sure if you ever heard of her. Well, nice meeting you but I have got to go. I have to attend tea with the Prime Minister, Georgenotfound. Plus, there are other people waiting to speak to you. In a bit!" And then, he skipped off. I was still startled by the random appearance of the strange British man. I thought back to what he said. He told me that someone else wanted to see me. I stuck my head out of the door to ask him who was waiting for me but he was gone. He had disappeared out of sight, like magic. As I began to close the door, I heard shoes scuffling. Four men walked towards me. I was too scared to look up to see the faces of the men. What if they were all clones of the British boy? The one closest to me spoke up. "What's up gamers, my name is Mr. Beast. We heard that you had it rough at home and wanted to adopt you." I was confused. These men came to save me from my family. Slowly, I gazed up. The man who just spoke had kind eyes. He looked like he genuinely cared about me. The one directly behind him spoke up next. "Yeah man. I'm Chris. I know how to drive a tractor so you should come live with us." A tractor. I've always wanted to drive a tractor. Michael gave me a toy tractor once. Michael. For a brief minute, I had forgotten about him. All the memories of him ignoring me came back. The memories of my father and his diner came back. I started panicking but another voice stopped my thoughts. "Yeah dude. I'm Chandler and I'm pretty good at basketball and I hate pickles so you should totally let us adopt you." They put up a pretty good bargain. Distracted from my panicky thoughts, I looked at the last man. He could tell that I was waiting for his introduction and spoke up. "I'm Karl. Cartoons. We have cartoons. You should live with us because of cartoons." Man, I really loved the Pink Panther cartoon. The one called Mr. Beast spoke up again. "Yeah, and we're famous. You should totally let us adopt you." I stepped towards them and nodded my head. The day of my save had finally arrived. Just as I was about to walk away with the men, everything turned black.


A monitor beeping. That's all I heard. I slowly opened my eyes, revealing a gray room full of machines. I looked down at my body. I was laying on a bed in a hospital gown. What had happened to me? A doctor walked in. "Hey bud. Glad to see that you're finally coming around. I really hate to have to tell you, but you're not going to be alive much longer. That animatronic bit right through your frontal lobe." What was this man talking about? And then, everything came flooding back to me. I remembered what happened at the diner. I remembered how Michael shoved my head into Fredbear's mouth. I remembered seeing black. But, I didn't remember anything after that. The world was still blurry. Sounds gurgled in my ears as I tried to figure out what was happening. I tried to look at the doctor. He looked sad. There was a window on one wall of the room I was in. I could see two blurry figures standing on the outside. Sounds began to become clearer and I could hear the two figures arguing. Their voices sounded familiar. Then it crashed over me. My father and Michael were arguing. The doctor jumped up from next to me and joined my father and brother outside of the room. I think he escorted them away. All became silent again. I began to come to my senses a bit more. I could start feeling again. The pain in my head from before I blacked out came back again. Except this time, it hurt a thousand times more. I yelled in agony. The doctor rushed back into the room with three other men. They frantically rushed around the machines by my bed. I wasn't sure what happened. All I could see was pain. Myself and pain. I heard a deafening bang and for a moment, my pain was gone. I continued to scream, but the doctors did nothing. They had disappeared after the bang. The pain was still there, but not as abundant. It was silent. I could hear rushed footsteps somewhere. Slowly, music started to fade into my ears. It came from outside the glass. The music became louder. I could see someone approach the door to the room. My pain faded completely. The man was wearing a green sweatshirt and jeans. I glanced at the floor and saw his shoes. They were black with a white Nike symbol across the sides. I didn't like them. The man came towards me and the music blared in my ears. I could slightly make out the lyrics of the song. The tune was upbeat. He walked even closer to me. I was too scared to look at his face. Then, he pulled a diamond sword out from behind his back. He lifted it up, and stabbed it into my chest. The last thing I saw before I died was the face of the man. He had two eyes and a long smile. As I died, I could finally understand the song's lyrics, "That's what the mask is. That's what the point of the mask is". And then, I was dead forever


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