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*I do not do non-fiction, or historical. I do not enjoy them meaning my opinion would be biased. I much prefer fantasy and adventure types*

1. permanently follow me please!

2. Share my book On the Edge of Oblivion in your announcements (Pppsshhhh me? advertising? neverrr!)

3. Add my book On the Edge of Oblivion to your public reading list

4. Write three comments on four chapters of my book On the Edge of Oblivion

5. Share this book to your announcements

6. add this book to your public reading list

7.  fill out the form

8. Please be respectful.

 You may weigh in on my reviews too as long as you are respectful and only doing it with the intention to help. 

9. please remember that I am no professional. I will give you the best advice possible, but that does not mean that it will all be very good. If you disagree with something I say in my review just politely let me know and I will take note of it!

10. feel free to ask questions about my review or what I thought about certain parts! I am happy to discuss things with people not just post opinions. Also note that I love debating! as long as there is a peaceful agreement I will happily debate parts of the book with you! just write in the comment DEBATE CHALLENGE before writing what you want to debate about

11. I will NOT sugar coat things. I won't tell you your books suck because in my opinion there is no such thing as a bad book, only one that needs to grow. However, I won't necessarily tell you that your book is amazing.

13. When you are done reading all of these rules please comment the phrase "mischief managed"(I hope you all know what that's from....)

12. I don't correct spelling mistakes. I give my advice. I am not Grammarly.

13. I will publish my review. That is how people can see what my reviews are like.

14. With my review I will also try to give a theory about the storyline. I know that I love to read theories (hint hint if you want to get on my good side) so I will try and provide you with one too! You do not have to tell me if my theory is wrong or not but feel free to do so. Or if my theory proves to be accurate and you don't want it spoiled for others then privately message me and I will take it down. However, if my theory is right take note of that.

15. I cannot guarentee that I will read all of the chapters but I will at least read somewhere between 10-15 if not more

16 There is no minimum for chapters. as long as you have one, I will review it.

17. Please be patient. If I have not responded to your form within two weeks, then you may resubmit it.

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