Underneath her makeup

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I really enjoyed the first few chapters of the book so far! Your style of writing is beautiful and engaging! The dialogue and actions of fit the characters perfectly so far! I also love the theme of the book that everybody has problems whether we can see them or not.

Constructive Criticism-

Okay so I'm going to put this kind of bluntly because I don't know how else to put it. The story you are doing has been done many times before.  Of course, that doesn't mean that you should abandon ship or anything, but if you want it to be successful you have to find something to make it unique. I think though that judging off of what I have read so far, your writing style is definitely engaging enough to do so.

So far though you are doing a really good job! Unfortunately, it's kind of hard to give a proper review so early on, but I will definitely keep an eye out for the next chapters!


Okay so my guess would be that Melody has abusive parents or her family is going broke which is why she was crying. I definitely ship her and Aiden. my guess is he will find out her secret and while they deal with her secret together, they fall in love. 

I hope some of this helps. I really enjoyed reading it so far and will try and give more advice once more of it is uploaded!! Can't wait to watch the story unfold!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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