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15th January 2003

It's been a peaceful start to the new year. As far as Geneva is concerned nothing catastrophically terrible has happened in what feels like forever. Although she's barely been mentally present for the majority of the time.

It's incomprehensible to understand, but she can't quite get to grips with her conscience. Keeps floating off into a daydream, reflecting on memories that are stubborn to leave her. Intrusive thoughts. But this is all they are. Intrusive and frustrating.

Theodore's been spending more time at the Ministry than usual recently. He's even had to stay there a few times. The New Year chaos they call it. Every year it's the same. With so many Officials and workers taking time off for their families, the Ministry ends up in a heap of pandemonium.

So Theo's been covering for most of them. Setting out schemes for the year ahead, sorting through last years junk and filing in the new. That's how he's explained it. Though it usually settles down within the first few weeks of January.

Inevitably, this means Geneva's been alone for most of the time. She ventures into London and Appleby every now and then, but as the January blues waste her energy away, most of her time is spent in the Manor.

Most stressfully, they have been trying to organise a time when the three of them can travel into Appleby with Malfoy, give him his first taste of freedom in months.

Geneva's been dreading the experience ever since it was permitted. Malfoy is bad enough in their home. Merlin knows what he'll be like in public? It will be like taking a rabid dog out for a walk, attempting to keep it away from everything it passes.

And the mere thought of every civilian making eyes at them, tracking Malfoy like a hawk. After the soiree, their peers weren't exactly impressed by his presence. Apparently Theo received some lecturing words from some of his colleagues at the Ministry afterwards. Especially considering what went down between him and Madeline Drew. Her husband is supposedly still in repulsive shock to this day.

But Geneva cannot deny she's grown used to having Malfoy there. It's become strangely comfortable, mainly due to the thought that she's not completely alone in the Manor, other than the house elves. But she still does her best to avoid him, and he the same.

On this particularly mundane Wednesday like any other, the scene among Nott Manor is desolate and tranquil. Just Malfoy and Geneva presiding out of each other's way.

That is until Theodore unexpectedly arrives home from work much earlier than usual declaring they gave him a short period of leave for the overtime he's been carrying out. It's only a few days off, but he definitely needs these few days.

"I had a thought that I would go to Appleby today. With Malfoy," Theo says while the two of them are in their suite as he changes out of his Ministry robes.

"Today? I didn't expect for you to consider it this early on," Geneva replies, sceptically.

"Well the Ministry granted their permission as of the New Year beginning. We're about two weeks in and Malfoy hasn't been much of a pain recently, has he?"

"I guess not." She looks away in contemplation, unsure as to why she feels such a strange knot of anxiety surrounding the matter.

"Will you come with us?"

"If you want me to, then yes."

"Great," he strides over to her and places a kiss on the top of her head. "I'll let him know and we can go around noon. Sound good?"

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