story idea one

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A young male werewolf who has an above average sized wolf form and a human form, this young male has (a family who is exactly like him) a little brother and a war hungry father who abuses his two kids and forces them to fight each other and himself, of which the father just calls it "training," but it is not, it is just the father abusing and nearly killing his kids. After the older brother witnesses the father go for his younger brother's throat (going for the kill) while "training" him, the older brother went into berserker mode and killed his father taking over his father's army and leaving other packs and kingdoms of other human/animal hybrid packs/herds confused as how someone could take down this war hungry monster like hybrid not knowing it was his own son who did the deed others have tried multiple times but died trying, the reason some had tried to kill the war hungry hybrid was not just to take over the pack, but some tried to rescue the two brothers but unfortunately died trying.

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