story idea two

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Story idea two: an alternate universe (AU) where humans do not and never exist, and some fantasy creatures do instead. On an island, wyverns and dragons lived (and other fantasy and animals we know lived too), not so much in peace but they learned to stay out of each other's ways, anyway, one wyvern (named Rai), a sub-adult, let his confidence get the best of him and started flying around at night, alone, normally this would be fine as all wyverns and dragons were taught where the dragon and wyvern territories were and why not to go into each other's territories, but this sub-adult had no mother as she was slain by a gaggle of dragons, the reason why Rai's mother's mate was nowhere to be found was because Rai's mother was a lighting wyvern, and Rai's father was a poison wyvern and they were in different gaggles, so when it was time for Rai's father's gaggle to leave he took two eggs with him and hid them from the others, while Rai's mother had Rai's egg and two others, unfortunately the other two eggs were killed when the mother was, they died when Rai and the other eggs were hatching, the other two eggs were too slow to get out of the egg. Rai's mother brought him to a nearby cave before attempting to get the other eggs but failing and dying in the process. A few years later to when this wyvern was flying around a dragon's territory, a dragon tried to shoot Rai down with his fire, Rai managed to doge a few hits before getting struck by another dragon he had not seen, Rai fell to the ground, wings being damaged in the process but in a few days', time would be healed. A dragon ends up finding him passed out, instead of killing the hurt wyvern the dragon ended up waiting for the wyvern to wake, as this dragon was like Rai when it came to family and being taught about other creatures. These two would soon become friends.

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