New Family Addition

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Hello y'all! I am soooooo sorry for the random absence. But I'm back and alive now. I apologize in advance. To make up for it here's one chapter. I plan on having two more published tomorrow!!!

A further Ado let's get this rolling!!!


Like any other normal day, it was peaceful. Kjartan and his son were riding towards Bebbanburg. Unsure if his plan would work, he looked towards his son, who wore a bandage around his head covering his left eye. Approaching the gates of Bebbanburg, the ship master halted, looking up at the gate and the men who stood above it staring down at him.

"Halt! What business do you have in Bebbanburg?" questioned the guard, glaring at Kjartan and his son. I wish to speak to the lord of Bebbanburg. I believe I have important news he'd like to hear. responding to the guard with a matter-of-fact tone. Glancing at the ship master and his son one more time, he signals the other guards to open the gate, allowing them to pass through.

As the two had entered, the gates were immediately closed and a few guards surrounded them, grabbing hold of the horses' reins. "We will take you to see Lord Aelfric, but the boy stays." Sven looked over to his father, shocked to hear his father's words, "Very well, he will stay." Kjartan dismounted his horse as Sven began to protest, "But father—" only to be cut off quickly by Kjartan, "You will do as I say, boy!" With that, Kjartan was escorted away.

Upon entering the hall, Kjartan stood behind two guards as Aelfric's back was turned to Kjartan. "I don't know you," he began. "You don't have the appearance of a messenger and Ubba's payment is not yet due." Aelfric finished while turning to the ship's master.

"No, lord, I was a ship's master." Kjartan spoke quietly but respectfully. "Ah, well, I have no ships, I need no ships' master." Aelfric quickly stated as he walked around the table. Walking past the soldiers, Kjartan spoke in a quiet manner, "I have news that you will want to hear." Turning around, Aelfric looked at him. "Well..." he said, waiting to hear what Kjartan had to say.

"I will want something in return, lord." Scoffing at the Danes' words, he turned back to his plate, picking off a bit of meat. "Not now, not quite. But perhaps we could continue to help each other." Kjartan finished. Those words seem to catch Aelfric's attention as he turns back around, "Perhaps." That was all he stated while he walked around the table.

"Two days south of here." Kjartan started while walking towards the table, "This little rat with the man I used to serve until he banished me." Standing at the end of the table, he continued. "He has a slave; treat him well." A priest, unbeknownst to the others, walks in quietly to hear what they have to say. Pulling his sword out, placing it on the table, Kjartan sat, "This is a slave you are entitled to buy back if you wish to."

Tilting his head forward slightly at the Dane, he questioned Kjartan, "but back?" "It's your nephew Uhtred, lord. He lives." Kjartan answers quickly. At the mention of his nephew, Aelfric stares at the Dane in silence. The priest steps forward but stops at the name mentioned and quickly turns around, leaving the room.

"But father please?!" A small girl asked, wishing to go. "No Steele, this meeting is for no young girls like you." Her father stated sternly, "Well why not?" A sudden voice asked "Ubba!" Steele exclaimed, jumping to her feet rushing over to him. Laughing loudly he patted her head, "if she wishes to see what it's like then let her. She will have to learn some day." Sighing, Earl Ragnar did not argue back and agreed to take the girl with them. While riding to the negotiating spot, Steele rode with Ravn.

Tired of waiting for the second party to arrive, Guthrum leaned against a tree flipping rocks into the air and catching them. Hearing the sound of horses, Ubba turned around to see Aelfric and his men arriving. Watching everything closely Steele stayed near her father catching onto Ravn's and Uhtred's conversation as they trailed behind the two closely.

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