Raging Inferno

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Howdy do lovely people! I'm officially back! Updates may still be slow but not as slow as it was hehe... This chapter I believe will be shorter than the others so I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was kinda quick and bit of a headache.

May the story continue!!


For five years, everything seemed calm. Danes settled down, building homes and expanding throughout the lands. Some set out to claim their own wealth, and some escaped their morning chores before anyone would notice.

Uhtred awoke to find his beloved white-haired sister missing. It was always routine for one or the other to disturb the other's sleep. He woke up early enough to do just that, but to his surprise, she was already gone and did not bother waking him.

He assumed she went off "hunting" to avoid chores and decorating the hall for Thyra's wedding night. Steele hated weddings and never liked the idea of settling down.

Grabbing a bag of his belongings, Uhtred left to wash in the river. While leaving the hall, his assumption was confirmed when he noticed Steele's items missing and her horse gone. She normally took her horse if she was going away for a while. 

When Uhtred returned, the hall was decorated in greenery. "Woah, would you look at this place?" Uhtred was amazed by the sight of the hall. "Uhtred, do you like my wedding necklace?" Thyra asked, opening the box to show him. "I do, very pretty." He complimented her for walking away as she smiled at him.

Thyra was excited about her wedding necklace. She was excited for her wedding overall. She wasn't as thrilled when she noticed Steele was missing, but she didn't think too much of it since the two were never really that close.

"He doesn't know anything about necklaces. You might as well ask me." Ravn made a remark as he sat near the fire. Uhtred walked to the fireplace in the middle of the room to pat Ravn on his shoulders and steal a bit of meat.
Uhtred was about to collect the rest of his belongings before being called by his adoptive father. "Uhtred, with me. You can help slaughter the goats."

"I've only just washed."

Chuckling, Ragnar walked out of the hall. "The goats will be pleased." Uhtred soon followed Earl Ragnar outside obediently. Upon arriving at the goat house, he discovered Earl Ragnar only dragged him out to talk.

With Thyra soon to be married, Ragnar believed it was time that Uhtred and Brida got together. He explained to Uhtred that Brida would be watching the charcoal tonight, and he should take his horse and join her. Uhtred was hesitant, but laughed it off. Honestly, he was a bit upset. He believed that if he wanted to be a real Dane, he would have to marry one. Ragnar was a bit hurt by his words but persuaded Uhtred anyway.

That night was full of life. The great hall was as loud and cheerful as ever, with dancing and feasting all around. In the woods, where charcoal was to be watched, a young woman was met by a young man on a horse. The two shared a blissful kiss that soon turned into something more.

Further into the night, a strikingly daring young woman ran through the woods, tracking down anything in sight. That just so happened to be the boar she was tracking down. She felt more alive, jumping over fallen trees and sliding through dirt. She was like a wolf, swift and fierce, quick to make an attack without a second thought.

With a pull of her bow string, she aimed it right under the boar's shoulder as it quartered away. With a release of the arrow, the arrow flies through the woods soundlessly as it hits the mark. A squeal from the boar could be heard before a thump. The woman triumphed as she went to retrieve her kill and return home.

Unfortunately for all of them, that night was about to be a night no one could forget. A night where lies and pain would spread like wildfire. and the act of vengeance would stir the hearts of three young adults.
Below them, Uhtred and Brida could hear voices. Checking below the cliff was the source: Kjartan and his son, along with other Danes and some Saxons. The two agreed to run immediately, leaving the horses, and the two bolted back to the hall to warn Earl Ragnar. To their dismay, they had to run up and around since the Dane and Saxon party cut their straight path through.

The Danes and the Saxons pushed wagons against every entrance but one to the hall before setting it ablaze. Ravn was the one to smell the smoke, alarming everyone who slept in the hall. Attempting to open every door, the fear inside all of them grew until they opened one that was unblocked. As they fled, Kjartan watched as his men slaughtered them, both men and women. Sven caught sight of Thyra and snagged her up, forcing her to watch as the people she grew up with and lived with were slaughtered.
In the hall, Earl Ragnar, his wife, and Ravn were left. Kjartan ordered archers to the front, releasing their arrows to kill off any others that might have tried to run out. One man was shot, Ravn, and this caught the attention of Ragnar's wife and him. Kjartan then ordered the doors to be shut to let the rest burn after seeing Thyra with his son.

In the distance, Brida and Uhtred could see the large fire burning brightly. They ran as fast as their feet could take them, but it was already too late. When they had arrived, they witnessed as Earl Ragnar, in flames, attempted to fight Kjartans men. He managed to cut down some into severe injury before being brought to his knees by the fire.

It was devastating, to say the least. Uhtred watched in horror as his home and family burned in front of his eyes. Brida next to him was speechless—and even more terrified for the girl, who hadn't even returned yet. There were no words to explain how either was feeling.

The rest of the night and into the morning, Kjartan and his men looked everywhere for the Earl Ragnar's wealth. The fire had stopped, and it began to rain. Uhtred and Brida watched them from a distance as they ran around searching endlessly. Uhtred noticed one of the men to be Scallion, a man who belonged to his uncle, Aelfric.

Uhtred wanted to punish them all. He argued with Brida over it. He wanted to kill Scallion, and she wanted to run to tell the story of what happened; she believed they served Ragnar best by doing so while still alive. As stubborn as Uhtred is, he had already made up his mind and ran around the trees and buildings to take his prey.

Soon, Kjartan had all the weapons and horses collected and began their journey back to Bebbanburg. Uhtred and Brida came out of hiding once they were all gone, moving towards the hut where all the swords and weapons were smithed. They knocked the anvil over, removed the stone underneath, and pulled out a small chest. Inside was all of Earl Ragnar's wealth, which now belonged to young Ragnar.

To Brida, the plan was simple: keep the wealth safe, tell the story until young Ragnar returns, and then find a new lord to serve. For Uhtred, he had a different plan. He was tired of everything being taken away from him. With a new fire in his eyes, he was going to return to the beginning and take everything back.


Word count: 1338

I want thank and appreciate all you lovely people who have read my story.  It makes me happy just knowing people looked at!!

I hope all of you are drinking water and saying healthy! Remember don't break bones!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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