hah ignore rant about mah brain

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Warning: there is no big spaces or many periods
Also there was barely any editing so lots of mistakes and wierd stuff

So let's start with the fact off .... I'm a dumbass, I may have wonderful grades in school but I am still a complete moron. So this is gonna be very out of order btw and I may just drop some stuff so YAY:D. So I just speak horribly all the time it's just the fact of how I can just be talking and then I just start saying random crap I'll just start acting like I'm a baby who's never said English ever, the only English I know is other people talking and I'll just be horrible at speaking I'll be like "do you know the shudabududu ugh wash da called? The wata ding ma bob the swirly swrily thing the dishwasher for cloth- Oh a dryer!" I have probably done that so many times. (,: Doesn't help I may have ADHD maybe... I have every single sign of ADHD I can have but... I haven't been diagnosed with it soooooooo0_0, which is why I love half the time watching really really loud people do stuff, its because my brain can't focus on a single thing ever sometimes and then this person screaming is just being like hey I exist I exist I exist and I'm like you do exist and I shall listen to you with all my soul it's just the fact of the screaming my brain shuts up and just lets me listen to it without having to think focus on anything else and actually enjoy the content it's really useful sorry for none of the spaces by the way I'm using the text to speech cuz I don't want to talk or type right now I mean I'm fine with talking just not typing I just said it why am I keep doing this wait why do I keep adding to this wait wait should I delete this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I can't stop saying wait what the f*** this happens all the time I just say something accidentally and I can't stop can I actually swear I said f*** h a h a h a h a I'm loving so much speaking I just keep saying this thing over and over and over again anytime I when I'm trying to fix it like I'll be like saying what is that dishwasher when I'm talking about the dryer and I'll say dryer dryer dryer dryer dryer dryer like is that normal? Point Proven Sam Sam(: I'm a complete fool to the greatest ability of humankind with such delicate yet slow-witted thoughts, what a complete imbecile, just how impeccable can the sluggish brain be (: hahaha I like big word cause make me feel smart with my impeccable and wonderful and delightful taste haha

Bye now why did you read this btw please tell me:') God I'm such a moron

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