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co-translator: appy_alex

Chapter 37

Tap - “I think you mean nong sher”, Tap looking at his friend who was really causing problem for his boyfriend.

Fah’s mobile phone was ringing, Sher called and called, but the eldest only hung up on him for fun, in this way, dozens of phone calls accumulated on the eldest’s mobile, adding many message to the line chat, from Facebook and none were answered.

Fah - “’m not a bad guy”, Phi Fah clarifies to his frined.

Tap - “Hey! if it’s you”

The day had finally passed and with it, Phi Fah’s anger had largely dissipated, though an immense sense of frustration still remained, “Why doesn’t he want to show it to his best friend, that is not his boyfriend? That is precisely what causes the misunderstandings”, occupational therapy that he gave himself Phi Fah.

Fah - “My mind is already tried of thinking so much”, Fah replied with a certain sorrow in his voice.

Tap - “Go clear your head okay, try to rest”, Tap warned his friend.

Fahlan said goodbye to his friend and drove to the tennis court of the university…in that area the tennis club was training under the supervision of the coach… Fahlan was really good at playing tennis but he never thought of joining the club.

…another scene

Coach “What’s up Fah?”

Fah - “Hello Coach”

Coach - “Why did you come today? You usually like to play tennis on another court”, asked the coach.

Fah - “I’m a little confused and I just came to clear my mind, if you don’t mind I’d like to practice a bit here . Fahlan explained”

Coach – “Of cource, you’re number 1 in the university”

Fah – “I haven’t played in a long time, my movements have slowed down”, Said Fah, sad if he didn’t get to practice with quality.

The teacher laughed and allowed him to join the training with the rest of the club members.

Fahlan has loved tennis since he was in elementary school, even when he was in highschool they wanted to send him to the national team but he didn’t go… Fah really liked to play but he didn’t like it. He liked being an athlete and therefore he did not want to take the position in the national team of someone who actually loved the sport and the fact of being an athlete.

Fah has only ever competed with his friends on the court or in school competitions and has even made it to the regional level at some point.

“Oh my god, his form is really good”, the juniors were heard to say the same ones who at the end of the set, applauded their senior’s performance.

“Well, go and practice, that’s the only way you’ll be good…”

The youngster came from the advice and after some recommendations and words, they slowly left, while Fahlan stayed and pratices for two more sets after the physical activity he really felt better.

After the 2 sets Fahlan excused himself to leave.

Coach – “Fahlan wait”

Fah – “Yes sir?”

Coach – “Would like to try to compete at the university level?”, the coach asked adding, “We really wanted to compete at that level, but our athletes still do not have a level high enough to win at that level, I’m proposing to you compete on behalf of the University”, concluded the coach.

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