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First off, thanks for clicking on the story! The prologue is short but I will try to update regularly and the writing will get better I promise! 


Kaminari POV

Kaminari's head was pounding and he lowkey felt dead. Wait. Was he dead? Maybe, if death meant ultimate pain, because Kaminari felt like he was on fire. Fire. His eyes snapped open, and he quickly shut them, groaning. The light was so bright. Heaven?

No, at this point he was convinced he was alive. He tried once more, albeit more slowly this time. He heard voices although his head was louder. He lay there for a few minutes having his eyes adjust to the light until he could just make it fluorescent lights. It was a ceiling. He tried to move his head slightly and yelped in pain.

He groaned and shut his eyes once more. It took him a minute but once he opened them again he saw a blurry figure standing over him. He blinked hard and it slowly came into focus. A sort of rough texture filled his was red?

"Kiri?' He croaked. His voice sounded foreign to his own ears.

"Oh my god, Kaminari I was so scared," Kirishima, his partner in crime as he liked to call him, replied. His panicked face came into focus and Kaminari felt his whole body sag in relief at a familiar face.

"Wha' happ'd?" He asked, his voice slurring.

"You don't remember?" Kirishima asked worriedly. Kirishima started muttering to himself, and Kaminari picked up the word amnesia, followed by arson, Dabi.... Wait. Dabi? Kaminari jolted, and Kirishima snapped towards him.

"Chargebolt?" He asked worriedly. Chargebolt. His nickname. MHA. It was all coming back to him.

He was an agent in the secret government agency that the government did not know about, My Hero Agency. He goes by the name Chargebolt. Kirishima was a Red Riot. And Dabi? He was part of the League of Villains, a lame name Kaminari thought, but nonetheless was the most famous and wanted arsonist.

His body had felt like it was on fire before. Oh. He remembered the bright blue, flaming, fire and all of a sudden he was back there again.

He could feel the sting of the needle filled with inducing truth serum, he could hear the flames whispering in his ears and then a sharp slap and he was once again jolted back to firetruck red hair.

"Riot." Kaminari said.

"Chargebolt?" Kirishima said. He looked guilty and he was holding his hand. Oh, that's what had snapped him out of it.

"Riot," He said once again. "They know, they know, they know," he said desperately and the feeling of failure clouded him.

"They know about U.A" He heard Riot's gasp, and then Kaminari was drifting back and this time he welcomed it gladly. As much as he hated admitting it this time, he hoped he would not wake up.

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