Chapter 2

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XX59, April 20th


Two days after my birthday, we were engaged and wed. It was a huge celebration of festivities and I became a Evangelisti. After that night of talking to Marchionne, I soon changed my mind about him.

Like me, he had been a bird in a cage until adulthood. He shared with me of how strict his parents were and how they didn't let him outside at all. I deeply sympathized with him and told him how I was treated the same way. His exquisite mind and ocean blue eyes took my breath away. The more we talked, the slower I was falling for him. He was truly a gentleman. His knowledge on various of things amazed me. And I strongly agreed with him with his zealous hate for witches.

That is, until I met one.

That was the day of the festivities. I told Marchionne ahead of time not to look for me as I slipped quietly away from the crowd of people. My maid heaved a big sigh when she saw me heading out in a commoner's gown.

"Don't worry! I'll be back in no time!" I reassured her as I snuck past the flock of people as silently as I could. When I was close to the front door, I made a dash for it.

At last, I was outside. Breathing in the fresh evening air, I smiled calmly. It's way too refreshing to be stuck inside faking interactions with people and being in a stuffy environment. How I wish my life was that of a commoner.... But I suppose if I am a commoner, I may not catch the eyes of the most caring man ever. They say he's strange, but I don't see anything strange about him.... Huh, funny how rumor can do you dirty like that.

I was deep in thought and I was not watching where I was going. Pretty soon, I ran into someone and fell over them.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said as I tried to help her up. She was dressed in a hood. I couldn't see much of her face but I know that she's a female and that she had quite delicate features. It was a shame for her to be dressed in rags like that.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I dusted her up and bend down to help her pick up whatever she dropped on the floor. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed that she seemed to be an apothecary from the things she gathered, which was the herbs I collected in my hands. She took them from me, gave me a quiet thanks before hurried away. However, I wasn't about to let her off so easily. I chased after her and began to bombard her with a lot of questions.

"What's your name"

"Katelyn Ironwood. But you can call me Kate for short." She responded. A rather quick and direct reply in my opinion.

"My name is Lana Kohler. Nice to meet you!" I smiled and extended a hand. But I soon took it back after remembering that she was carrying her herbs after all.

The minute I said my name, and I regretted. Because I swear I saw her face went from pale to sickish green after hearing my last name. "Lady Lana!? What are you doing out here alone!? If anything was to happen to you, I could be in serious trouble!"

I smiled and calmed her. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. Besides, I don't go out often so the townspeople won't know how I look like. So I'm safe."

"But-" I shushed her with my finger on her lips. "Please trust me. I know we just met, but something tells me running into you is a destiny."

She nodded and swallowed hard. Seeing how skinny she was, I felt bad for her. She probably haven't eaten in days. Softly, but as not to hurt her feeling, I asked. "Have you eaten?"

The poor apothecary shook her head and her face fell in sadness. I felt bad for her so I offered to buy her something to eat. I took her arm and led her to my favorite bakery. I picked their best pastry and bought it for her. By the time the baker handed us our portions, she was so surprised. Her eyes were wide and her mouth opened so much to the point where it felt almost like it was going to hit the floor. I giggled.

"That's for you. You can have it."

"That's...... Too kind of you lady Lana..... I can't have this." She pushed the pastry away toward me. "I cannot have it."

I placed my hand on hers and held it gently. I stared into her eyes and affirmed her that it was okay for her to eat it. A joyful smile slowly made its way to her pale cheeks. And soon, we were by the fountain nibbling away at our delicious dessert at no time at all.

I took a bite, munched on it and looked at my new made friend. She was too busy wolfing away at her own portion to notice. I couldn't help but giggle. She looked cute when she was so focused on her food.

Noticed my stare and my giggle, a bit of color came to her cheeks as she blushed. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh at the way you eat. It's just....." I trailed off and looked at the darkening sky. "I was raised and taught around proper people. I wanted to experience life like you. Not having to worry about the way you eat, the way you walk, the way you sit or the way you talk. I..... I long for freedom."

Now, it was Kate's turn to stare at me. I don't know what she was thinking, but perhaps she was thinking the same as me. Perhaps she wanted to know how it was like to live as a high society lady. At last, she spoke.

"You know, you're really interesting for someone of high status. I mean, I expected you to be all snotty, high and mighty and spoiled. I guess you're not what I envisioned."

I laughed. "Oh you have no idea. I'd come across so many of them in my lifetime! In fact, it's why I managed to slip out today. Normally, I won't be able to due to strict schedule planned by my butler. But since there's a party going on in my mansion, I can sneak out since plans do change during certain circumstances."

She finally smiled. "Yeah, that sounds like a lot of work for sure. Now all of a sudden I'm happy with my lifestyle."

I looked back at her. "Yeah, guess sometimes I have to be thankful huh, I mean, if I was to be a commoner, I can't guarantee you a filling dinner tonight can I?"

We shared a laugh

After she finished eating, we both chatted a little more. I found out that she was older than me. By three years to be exact. I learned that she does apothecary for a living, healing people with potions and things she makes to help others. I felt impressed by her knowledge on various of herbs. She was even able to pronounce some of their names clearly while my tongue seemed to be caught by cat as I struggled to make the most basic sound with my lips.

We had so much fun. Too much to the point where I almost didn't notice my butler sneaking up from behind me.

"Ahem, Lady Lana" a solemn voice boomed from behind me. I sighed and turned around.

"I know. I was not supposed to be out here. I'm sorry Albert."

Katelyn stood behind me with her eyes wide open. She froze in place not knowing what to do or say. Thankfully my butler paid her no attention and continued his lecture on me.

"Have you any ideas of how much her madame worried for your whereabouts? Your father was beside himself with fear of something dreadful happening to you." His voice was stern. I didn't think this time I'd be out so late to the point of forgetting about the time. But I suppose I indeed passed my curfew.

"I understand Albert. There won't be a next time."

"Thank you lady Lana. The carriage had been readied. Please bid your farewell before we leave."

I nodded my thanks. And I waited for Albert to be far enough to not be eavesdropping. Turning around, I held Katelyn's hand tightly.

"Thank you for the wonderful night." I begin. "You're my first friend and I'll never forget this day. Will you be my friend?"

She nodded and smiled. I returned the smile, gave her hands a firm squeeze and left for the carriage. I could almost see her standing and waving before our carriage took us further into the fog of night.

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