Chapter 3

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XX59, April 21st


Lana returned to the Evangelisti residence past 12pm. Inside of the living room, her parents sat beside each other. Mrs. Kohler was pale and Mr. Kohler had a very solemn look on his face. The front door opened, in came Lana with her butler following behind her with a very stern expression.

I wish I could've done something for her, but it looked like I must remain silent. This is a Kohler family business. Sure, she married and became an Evangelisti, but she'll forever be a Kohler to her parents.

Lana inched her way to her parents. Her eyes downcast as she stood in front of them with her hands linked together. "What's the meaning of this, young lady?" Her father's voice demanded. Firm with authority.

"I.... Wanted to go out. I want to explore. I want freedom father. I don't want to be imprisoned in my birdcage anymore." Her shaky and small voice came. I felt quite impressed with her for standing up for herself like this. Especially her father was quite known for his strictness.

"You're the only daughter we have. We don't want anything to happen to you, do you understand?" He reprimanded. "Don't ever step foot out of this house ever again!"

"Ahem" I coughed. "If it's not rude of me to interrupt Mr. Kohler. I would like to speak something that has been on my mind."

He turned around. I was afraid that he was going to snap at me like he did with Lana. But his expression softened. "Yes Marchionne, what is it that you would like to say?"

"I very much understand your protectiveness of your daughter and I agree that we should keep the precious jewel safe inside of the jewelry box. However, if a jewel was not used to adorn and add to the charm of a person, how can the jewel shine for the way she was truly made to be?"

The room was silent. I could almost hear a needle dropping on the floor. After a while, Mr. Kohler spoke.

"Very well. You do have a very good point. I permit your request to be outdoors Lana, but not without Marchionne."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw her brown eyes twinkle with a hint of happiness. The cloudy look on her face no longer existed. Then, a bright smile and a small hint of blush graced her cheeks. She thanked her father for his mercifulness and left the room to go upstairs.

I took off as well, about to follow her before Mr. Kohler stopped me in my tracks.


"Yes sir?"

"Take care of her." He smiled softly. "She's the only jewel I have left to which I treasure with great care."

I smiled as well. A familiar soft and fuzzy feeling welled up from inside of me.

"I promise"


I entered the room Marchionne and I shared. I closed the door behind me, leaned my back against the door and slowly let my legs give out from under me. I sat on the carpeted floor with arms around my knees and buried my face in my arms. I had almost lost my freedom if it was not for Marchionne. Why was my father so stern with me? He had never been this angry....

I had no siblings, and growing up, I had developed some kind of social anxiety where I find it hard to socialize with other girls my age. Especially during fancy dress parties. I've already said that I hated fake people, especially during those occasions where I'd receive fake sympathies from those stuck up girls. Which was why I never had any friends.

Knock knock

I stood up and opened the door to see Marchionne standing outside. I gave a small smile and let him in before shutting the door behind me again.

"You okay? You look worn." He asked as he took one of my hand in his. His thumb gently stroking the back of my hand, calming me down.

"Of course I am. I've been out past curfew after all." I joked, but seeing Marchionne's straight face, I knew it didn't work too well.

"I'm serious Lana. You should tell me whatever that's bothering you. I want to shoulder your pain with you."

I sighed. "I know father loves me, but sometimes, he really should loosen up a little and chill out. I know I'm the only child and I get to hog my parents, but sometimes, it's so tough."

Marchionne squeezed my hand gently and reassuringly. "I know. I'm an only child after all. I understand."

I smiled a little. It can't be a coincidence that I had found a man who loves me so much. God really do hear prayers.


Author's Note

Warning: spoiler alert. If you don't want to be spoiled, you're welcome to leave this chapter right away. If not, read on!

Okay, Lana and Marchionne may seem all lovey dovey and stuff. But this all happened before Marchionne met Riba and Alice. This was pre-calamity basically. Marchionne is OOC, yes, I know. But this was before disaster striking so of course he'll have more emotions. As more events are introduced, the two's relationship will slowly break apart. To the point where in the end, Lana will be one of the people who executed Marchionne at the blade of guillotine. It'll be sweet and bitter like the dark chocolate. So until then, enjoy the sweetness before the bitterness sneaks up on you unexpectedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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