Boos and Clues

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I emerged from the bottom of the well with a renewed sense of resolve, having earned myself a key after a brief tussle with a ghost. Just as I reached a small shack, I heard a Toad's muffled voice from within. Quickly, I opened the door, and sure enough, there was a Toad, another one of Peach's retainers, in tears. His name was Conrad.

Conrad wiped his eyes when he saw me. "Did you see him?" he asked.

"Yeah," I solemnly replied, "but I'm gonna find a way to get him out."

"What kind of cruel-hearted person would do something like that to Mario?" Conrad hotly demanded.

"Someone like the Boos," I said, giving Conrad a comforting hug. "Come on, let's get you indoors. You can meet up with Thad, Brad and Chad in the foyer."

"I bet they're just as worried about Mario," opined Conrad.

"Trust me—they are," I told him.

Conrad took my hand, and we walked toward the foyer together.

"I completely lost my [bleep] when I saw Mario in that portrait," said Conrad as we walked along. "All I could think about was finding a good place to hide."

"Thank God you're okay," I said.

"But I also noticed that Mario left some stuff lying around," Conrad continued. "Like—a breadcrumb trail. And we're meant to follow. There's a hat, a glove, a shoe, a letter..."

"...and a star," I finished. "I already found the hat, and I came across the letter before coming across you."

"Great! Maybe I can help you find the rest!" Conrad said brightly.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I objected. "I'd like you to wait it out in the foyer with the other Toads. Leave the rest to me, all right?"

"All right," Conrad conceded with a sigh.

We reached the foyer, where Thad, Chad and Brad greeted Conrad with a hearty group hug.

"Stay together, and keep each other safe," I instructed.

"Please—you've go to help Mario," said Conrad.

"Hey," I told him. "I'll never abandon him. Never."

On those words, I continued on my journey.

Playing my music on low, I moved silently through the rooms and hallways of the mansion's third area, my Poltergust raised in defense, humming softly. There were ghostly mice, bats, more of those hanging ghosts and small ghosts which exploded on contact. I battled them all, only allowing myself a few moments to catch my breath. All I was focused on was finding Mario's items, along with the keys to any locked door I came across.

There were also some Portrait Ghosts I had the pleasure (or not) of meeting as I explored these darkened rooms. There was Biff Atlas, the bodybuilding ghost, in the rec room. The only way I could defeat him was by knocking punching bags into him, thus exposing his heart. After him, I battled Nana, subduing her by launching yarn balls in her direction. In the shower was Miss Petunia, and I couldn't face off with her until I obtained the Ice Elemental Medal, upon which Professor Gadd quickly explained its mechanics and when to switch between the three elements.

"Water beats fire, fire beats ice and ice beats water," he said.

Using the Ice Element, I countered Miss Petunia's assault of scalding hot water with frigid ice blasts, sending her into a sneezing fit, and eventually into the Poltergust.

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