In My Brother's Arms

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When I managed to shake off the worst of the drowsiness, I saw that I was in one of the lab's guestrooms, under the warm covers of a soft bed, my head on a comfortable pillow. Mario's portrait was still in my arms, the man himself still fast asleep. Softly, I stroked the canvas, whispering comforting words to my bro in Italian.

I heard Gadd speaking quietly with the four Toad retainers, and I surmised that Thad, Brad, Chad and Conrad had carried me from the Secret Altar to the lab. But how long had I been asleep? Glancing out the window, I noticed that it was still dark outside, so perhaps my nap hadn't been that long. Even so, I appreciated that Gadd and the Toads allowed me to snuggle with Mario's painting for the time being.

Then, there were footsteps, and Gadd approached my bedside, his face alight in relief. "Luigi—you're awake, thank God!" he exclaimed.

"The Toads—did they...?" I began.

Gadd nodded. "They found you in that Secret Altar, curled around your brother's portrait, sleeping like a baby! I nearly fainted when they brought you in here and I saw what King Boo had done to you. We patched up the most severe of your injuries, and then we decided to let you rest awhile. God knows you've earned it."

"Thanks, Professor," I said.

"I see that Mario's still out like a light," Gadd went on. "Relief, exhaustion—or perhaps both?"

"Both, I guess," I said. "Wait! The Poltergust...!"

"It's okay. I already emptied it for you," Gadd assured me. "All of the ghosts you captured are now paintings, safely ensconced in my Gallery, even King Boo."

"He—he was controlling a mech in Koopa's likeness," I said. "There was no partnership between the villains at all. But it was still a fight to remember. King Boo threw spiked balls at me, slashed me, punched me, blew fire at me..." I recounted every heart-stopping second of that battle and how I managed to defeat the vile King as Mario's voice spurred me on.

"Remarkable," mused Gadd when I was finished. "In all my years of ghost research, I've never heard such a fantastic tale—and that career spans six decades, mind you! Why, I can still recall starting out as a youth who trembled at the mere thought of a ghost—trembled, I tell you! But I'll tell you more stories about my past exploits later. I'm about to reverse the Portrificationizer to return your brother to his rightful state, but I've got to warn you—it may take a while."

"I don't mind," I said. I'd wait hours just to hold Mario again.

"I'll keep Mario with you until everything's ready," Gadd said softly, patting me on the shoulder before leaving the room.

I smiled at my bro's portrait before planting a soft kiss on the canvas. "See you soon," I whispered before sleep claimed me once again.

The next time I woke up, my energy was fully replenished, and there was no more doubt and dread weighing upon me. I guess Mario felt the same way, for he was still deep in slumber. Though he was still trapped within a canvas, I figured he knew that as long as he was with me, he'd be safe, warm and secure.

Still holding the painting, I propped up the pillow and sat up, gazing out the window, where I was met with a startling sight.

There wasn't a haunted mansion anymore—only the clearing in the woods where it had stood.


I turned as Gadd stood in the doorway.

"The Portrificationizer is ready," said Gadd, "so I'll need to borrow the portrait for a while."

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