There You'll Be

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My sobs subsided, along with Mario's, as the healing power of touch worked its magic. The lab had fallen quiet, except for the sound of our breaths, in perfect sync. The two of us were suspended in time, wrapped up in each other's arms, Mario leaving kisses in my hair as I listened to his steady heartbeat. What King Boo had done to us didn't matter anymore—nothing about the mansion mattered anymore. I'd clawed through the deepest circle of my personal Inferno and emerged with my bro—that was all that mattered.

I exhaled slowly, time resuming its forward march. Life would go on, and Mario and I would put this Hellish night behind us. At the time, I had no idea how difficult that would be, but I knew that it was at least doable.

Footsteps caused me to look up, and I saw Gadd walk back in, the four Toads trailing behind him.

"Bro—there's someone I want you to meet," I said.

"Hm?" asked Mario, stirring between my arms.

Quickly, I introduced Mario to the Professor, and they seemed to hit it off pretty quickly.

"You really came through for my bro tonight," said Mario. "How can I ever repay you?"

"No repayment is necessary," Gadd said solemnly. "Seeing you reunited is enough of a reward."

Mario and I got to our feet, and the Professor set to work tending to my bro's wounds. I helped, of course, my heart jumping whenever I saw him wince.

"King Boo spared nothing with you," observed Gadd. Turning toward me, he added, "Or with you."

"We'll live," Mario said confidently.

"You'll live, but you won't do any strenuous activity or traveling for a while," said Gadd. "I think you two should stay here until the worst of your injuries have healed."

"What shall we tell the Princess?" asked Thad.

"Tell her everything that happened tonight," I said. "Tell her that I defied the odds and rescued my brother, just like I promised myself I would."

"Will do," said Thad.

"Give it about a month, and you'll be back on your feet," Gadd reassured us.

"The Super Smash Bros Melee tournament is scheduled to begin in December," said Mario. "If we eat extra Mushrooms, then I'm sure we'll be back in fighting shape before then."

"You read my mind," I said.

After Gadd and I tended to the last of Mario's wounds, I slid the Poltergust back on and headed to the Gallery, quickly locating King Boo's portrait. He was positioned at the far-left corner, facing the Koopa mech he'd piloted, the dastardly duo against a fiery backdrop. Mario stood at my side, holding my hand and staring unflinchingly at his former captor.

  Mario stood at my side, holding my hand and staring unflinchingly at his former captor

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