Called Away

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You hold steady a book in your hand, one that you aren't even reading. Some book on cellular regeneration. Instead, your eyes are focused on cryogenic pods in the far back of the lab, in the room that is off limits. Home to the well preserved bodies of Wanda Maximoff, Thor Odinson, Carol Danvers, and Dr. Stephen Strange.

All four have been infected at different times within the recent year. All four are in a medically induced coma as a way to halt the "decaying" process, until a cure is found. The perceptive and well meaning doctors and scientists of the Avengers Tower are smart to do this, as they do not want overpowered undead on their hands. For that would no doubt cause an extinction level event, the world probably could not recover from. Whenever you have ever needed to go in there, you are careful not to trip over any wires. Which all in all means, extinction level event will not be caused by you.

You do wonder what it feel like to medically frozen. Although stuck in a semi-permanent state of nothingness, you think they're lucky to be given the opportunity. Whether they were deserving of the privilege, was an entire different matter. You regular humans couldn't handle the process anyway, so when you got bit, you always met the front end of a bullet instead. That is exactly what happened to your best friend, not long af-

"Earth to Y/N."

You snap out of your almost clinical daze, and turn to Hope who is working at one of the tables in front of you.


Instead of just telling you what she needs, she gently scolds you. "You know, when I agreed to let you assist Banner and I in here, it was under the condition that you, you know...actually assist."

"Sorry," you blush.

Hope stares at you a moment, before her face finally softens. "Bring me some empty vials. Then, you can go back to your reading."

You dutifully do as you're told. Once finished, you sit in your little spot again and attempt to continue your book. As you're about to do so, in walks Tony Stark, a cup of coffee in one hand, a collection of papers in the other.

"Morning, Stark," you say in greeting.

"Oh, they still let you in here?" he asks.

Believe it or not, this is Tony being nice to you. Once upon a time, he would have ignored you and kept it pushing. Weird how different things are now. If you are being honest, you know it's mostly due to Hope. Realizing you are all stuck here together, she started give you regular folk more responsibility and jobs. Eventually, she took a liking to you and allowed you to help her out in the lab, and well, the rest is history.

You ignore Tony's remark, but watch as he stops to raise his wristwatch to his face to check the time. Yeah, you know it's early. You know what he's going to say next.

"You were here till late last night. Do you even sleep, woman?"

"You're one to talk," you reply and are about to get back to your book, just before you remember something. You turn to Tony. "Hey, you know what I suddenly remembered?"

"Yeah, what's that?" He asks, feigning interest.

"You still owe me a suit."

"I owe you no such thing." Tony heads over to one of the computers, flopping down his work and placing his mug to the side. He starts tapping away like a man on a mission.

Oh no. Did he really think you forgot Game Night, a few weeks back when you beat him at blackjack? It was his idea to offer up a custom made Iron Suit to the victor, which so happened to be you. He is not about to take that away from you.

Warm Blooded / AvengersxReader / Zombie AUWhere stories live. Discover now