Matsuoka Rin {Saviour}

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"Why did I let him make me go do this..?" You wondered as you were walking to the supermarket at 10:30 at night. Your "boyfriend" had made you go to fetch him some more beer since you had run out. He threatened to kill you with his bare hands... You knew he wasn't joking. He had strangled you before. You couldn't escape him. He controlled your life. Who you saw, when you went out...


But little did you know that soon, a saviour would come along... And a very unlikely one at that.

*~Time Skip~*

You were returning from your little shopping trip, a pack of beer in each hand. You feared what would happen when you got home. Would you get beaten? Or would you get lucky and have a calm, peaceful night?

You were walking past an alleyway. You knew better than to take the shortcut. You knew what could happen to you there. You knew that dozens of women were kidnapped there... Yet you still went. You didn't know why. You felt as if you were driven towards that alleyway. Like it was your destiny.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, which kind of surprised you, and you were flipped around to face a pretty hot-looking guy with dark-red almost pinkish hair and ruby eyes staring at you. You blushed, trying not to make eye contact with him. "Eh~? What's wrong little lady?" He asked in a smooth-talking voice. "N-nothing." You said shyly and walked away. He followed you. "Nothing, hm? Ya sure? Cause," He grabbed your arm and saw your many bruises received from your "boyfriend kidnapper". "That doesn't look like nothing." You got your arm out of his grasp and started walking again, much quicker and angrier than before. He grabbed your other arm. "Don't go home." He said calmly. "So I can, what, get beat again? I'm used to it thanks a lot." You attempted to run. He stopped you. "You're not going home... It's not safe there!" "It's safer than here!" "No, it's NOT!!" He yelled, showing off his shark-like teeth. You were scared now, as if you weren't scared before. "Leave me ALONE!!" You started running, dropping the beer. You didn't care about your boyfriend anymore. You didn't care about anything. Anything but getting away from this hot man.

You ran a lot. You didn't know where you were until you got smacked in the face. "Where's my beer?!" It was your boyfriend. Tears streamed down your face. You didn't think this would happen in your life.

You were about to get beat.

By your boyfriend.

On the street.

How could anything be more embarrassing? You shut your eyes tight. You were waiting for the blow, for the pain, but... It never came. You opened your eyes to see the red-haired man from before on top of your boyfriend! He was punching him nonstop. The man was cursing a lot as well... Something about your well-being? You saw your boyfriend, all bloody and beaten and the man told him to scram. You were shocked. Who was this man?

He turned to you. "Are you alright?" You nodded your head. He smiled and then he... Kissed you? You were surprised by his actions but you didn't mind it. You realised that over time you fell in love with this pretty--attractive--man. Now with your boyfriend gone, you were freed. This man truly was your saviour.

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