{Arabian!AU} Rin x Dancer Reader {The Prince}

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Your whole life was basically traveling from one place to another, as your father desperately searched for any kind of job. Sometimes, if you were lucky, you would stay there for a month or two. You made some friends, but none that were very close to you.

Eventually, you were old enough to go out on your own. You found a career in a small village in the middle of a vast desert. You were a dancer, and a rather good one at that. You discovered your passion for dancing through a little group run by one of your newer friends, (F/n). She had taught you how to master your talent of dancing. You would travel from place to place, dancing for special events. It was good pay too, so you could have enough food and supplies to get by.

One day, (F/n) ran into your small hut, a piece of paper in her wildly flailing hands.

"You'll never believe it!!" She exclaimed, "We're invited to the palace!! The palace!! Can you believe it (Name)?! We're going to be dancing for the prince himself!!" Her eyes shone with excitement and wonder as she held your hands. Your eyes widened. Dancing for the prince was the chance of a lifetime!

"We're here~!!" (F/n) chimed as you and the other dancers walked up to the magnificent walls of the royal palace. You still couldn't believe that you were dancing here. That you of all people were dancing here.

The servants welcomed you, showing you to a place where you could get changed and prepare for your performance. You and the other girls were absolutely stunning once you finished getting ready. By that time, you were walking into the majestic palace, waiting for the prince to arrive.

When he did arrive, you were absolutely stunned. He had reddish-maroon hair, a shade of colour you had never seen before, and his ruby eyes seemed to look annoyed, although he still managed to look very very se- *ahem* good-looking.

You were particularly nervous as you got up with the rest of your group to perform. Your palms started sweating a bit and you felt your throat run dry. You weren't sure if you would be able to get through your performance without fainting or messing up!

(F/n), noticing how stressed you seemed, shuffled over to you and told you to breathe deeply. You did as she said, and thankfully, you started to feel a bit better. You thanked her as she went back to her position and the music started.

Your routine was flawless. You did everything perfectly; every turn and every movement was on the spot. While you were dancing, you couldn't help but get a few glances at the prince. At first, he seemed very uninterested, not even bothering to look in your direction. But as you continued dancing, he started paying more attention, which you were glad of. By the end, he was watching your performance intently, and at the end, he even clapped along with everyone else.

You all took a bow in front of him before walking out to go change. You happened to catch his gaze though, your eyes locking for a second before you disappeared into the curtains and most likely out of his sight forever.

"Ne, everyone! We should have a celebration for our wonderful performance for the prince!" (F/n) exclaimed as you all clapped and cheered. It wasn't every day that you were celebrating since you didn't have much money. But today was a celebration, so it didn't matter.

Your celebration was interrupted by a couple of men who entered the hut. They scanned the room of terrified women until their eyes landed on you.

"Her." The man who seemed in charge pointed at you and before you knew it, you were being blindfolded and lifted by the other men and carried out the door.

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