Makoto x Sad!Reader {Helping Hand}

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Tears in your eyes, you ran towards your house, not caring who saw you. You had just had the worst fight ever with your best friend. You couldn't even remember what it was about, but you knew that you were angry with her, and she angry at you.

As you were running however, you ran into someone, causing you to fall down.

"O-ow..." You groaned, trying to get up from your position on the ground.

"(L.Name)..?!" The familiar voice of the brunette that attended the same school as you rang through your ears. Looking up, you saw him with a worried expression painted on his face.

"M-m-T-tachibana..?!" You almost immediately felt your cheeks heat up. You had a teensy-tiny crush on the third-year, but you never thought of acting on it or anything...

"Are you ok?" He asked, holding a hand out for you to take. You nodded, but the tears falling down your cheeks said otherwise. He leaned down to give you a hug, softly patting your back as well, in an effort to comfort you. As much as you didn't want to break down in front of him, memories of your fight with your friend came rushing back. You couldn't handle it anymore so you just... Cried.

Makoto didn't care though. He didn't mind you crying into his shirt, causing it to get damp. He didn't mind being late for school. Not if it would help you. He stayed by your side, not caring about the looks from strangers passing by. He comforted you by whispering soft words in your ear like "It's going to be ok..." and "Don't worry about the past anymore..."

Slowly, but surely, you started feeling better, to the point that you even laughed. Sure, it wasn't a happy laugh, more like a saddened one, but nevertheless, it was still a laugh. Eventually, you got the strength to walk to a nearby bench with Makoto, where you found the courage to tell him what had happened. He listened intently, as if he understood your situation. At the end of the story, you had to hold back so you wouldn't break down again.

"It's ok, I understand." Makoto simply gave you a hug again. You gave him a sad smile, before hugging him back. "All you can do now is move forward. Maybe someday in the future you'll be friends again, but you can't dwell on that right now."

Standing up, he checked his watch. "Ah, it's already 1! School will be over soon... It would be useless to go now... Why don't we go get some ice cream, hm?" He smiled, holding a hand out for you to take again. "O-ok..!" Your cheeks tinted once again as you reached out to take his hand.

Walking towards the ice cream parlour, you held hands, forgetting all about what happened with your friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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