Chapter One

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Out on the town for another birthday. This was the socialite life after all. Glancing up from my flute of Champagne, my eyes focused on the perfect stranger. A breathtakingly gorgeous man in an expensive suit which I thought was rather odd. 

He didn't fit in as the majority of people in the town didn't know what clean clothes were, let alone what a fitted suit was. By his masculine figure, it was obvious that he would be a hit with anyone that was remotely feminine. I decided immediately that I would have to be noticed by him.

Moving his head slightly, he caught me staring with his wonderful bright blue eyes. Even from a distance, I could see he had long eyelashes, which was an instant hit. He smiled with dimples that were so defined that my heart started beating hard with lust. 

With my body starting to shake and a wave of sickness coming over me I looked down and tried to breathe slowly. As I looked up, I realised that he was heading my way. Still breathing in and out slowly, he was suddenly only a foot away.

"Could you be any more beautiful?" I heard over the pounding music. More than used to awful chat up lines, this was unexpected and sounded sincere. 

He was blinking with his long eyelashes in a way that any girl he spoke to would get drawn in as easily as a moth to a flame. He smiled again and introduced himself, "I'm Oliver."

In a town where everybody knows everyone and everyone's business, it was odd to find someone that was completely unheard of. 

My town is one that people tend to know more about you, than you do. It wasn't such a bad thing but, in this situation, it was a shame that I knew nothing of the man.

As first impressions go, he was faultless. His confidence was overwhelmingly impressive. That, along with his appearance made him rather tempting. Maybe a little too much so. 

He looked like he was just over six-foot-tall and with sandy brown hair, he wasn't composed like my usual type of guy. In actual fact, he was the complete opposite. I was usually all for the tall and dark guy that most girls dream of. This was new to me.

He just kept staring at me, intently waiting for an answer. Usually a courageous and independent woman, I just managed to push through the stutter and say confidently "I'm Charlotte Brookes." The reply though short and sweet was daring and bold.

 In his deep and husky voice, Oliver replied "Would you like to come home with me tonight, Charlotte Brookes?"

I knew that I wasn't the worst looking girl in the world. I always had a good amount of attention. However, this was different. So confident and unafraid, this guy was not like any other I had encountered before. 

I was 5 foot 7 inches so towering in my heels, very slim around my waist but an hourglass figure that had big boobs and a big, peachy behind. It didn't usually take me very long to get anything I needed from any guy.

 I have been described as the English Black Widow before, always sporting a little black dress and tall black heels, resulting in me looking classy and sexy at the same time. At this point I was wearing my lucky black dress. Obviously, it hadn't failed me.

Describing myself, I had a few traits I disliked, like any girl would. I detested my forehead, it was a little bit too big, and it posed problems when I just wanted to wear my hair up in a quick bun. 

To follow, my skin made me look like a modern vampire, so pale that people would usually ask if I was feeling alright.

Saying that, I had a good figure. Blessed with a high metabolism, I could eat what I wanted, and I would never put on an inch of fat. People always liked to remind me that it would catch up with me one day. 

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