Chapter Six

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I woke up about 5pm and realised that I had ruined my sleeping pattern. It dawned on me suddenly that he might be out on the town. There was a Sunday night band on as it was bank holiday weekend, so I decided to get up and call Emily to see if she thought it was a good plan.

She didn't need much persuading, the party animal. I took extra time to get ready and by the end I looked stunning. I was ready to give it a try. Emily turned up at my door and we started to get in the mood.

A few too many drinks later and some amazing live country music, we left the house to do our usual pub crawl before the main club. Being drunk anaesthetised my feelings of dread if he didn't turn up.

We were at the last pub before we were going to the nightclub. I went to the toilet to check that I still looked alright but when I looked behind me, Emily had disappeared. Fool.

I called her and she slurred that she had gone onto the nightclub. Praying that Oliver wouldn't see me on my lonesome walk, I quickly sped into the club and got to the entrance. I made it undetected. I was completely besotted by the thought of him. The pull I felt in my heart was killing me. I needed him. He was my one and only addiction.

I managed to find Emily with her tongue down some guy's throat. I laughed and then realised I was completely on my own. So I went to the bar. I gave my order to the bartender and all I heard was "I'll get that." I turned around to see who it was and my heart started to fly.

"Oliver," I said breathlessly, "fancy seeing you here". I turned back to the bar to get my drink and try to push my smile out the way and play it cool.

Needing to keep his attention, I wanted him to follow me, not the other way around. It was so hard not to act in love with the way he looked, a bit of stubble and in his rugby suit and tie. I wanted to rip his shirt off.

I know what I needed to do, make him jealous. Luckily I saw my friend James. When he came over to us, I played it on thick, hugging and kissing his cheek. We laughed and made jokes.

Patiently keeping an eye on us at the bar was Oliver. I could see him looking James up and down. I said my goodbyes to James and went back to the bar to join Oliver. "Who was that?" he asked intently, frowning towards James. "Just an old friend." I replied smiling. He didn't like that at all and I felt a spark of jealousy from him. I started to grasp a little bit of control.

We went to sit on the sofas and I continued to game play. Every time a guy walked past us and looked at me, I smiled. They always smiled back. Oliver caught onto the attention I was getting and finally asked me "Do you want to get out of here?". I wanted to go with him so much that it hurt but I composed myself and responded with "I can't tonight, I'm with my friend Emily."

This would result in a much better outcome. He looked disappointed for a second then put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I whispered seductively "Goodbye," and then kissed him on the cheek. "I will give you a text" he said looking deeply into my eyes.

Oliver put his finger under my chin, and I replied "I look forward to it" before kissing me softly and tapping my nose once with his finger, he left with a wink. I nearly melted into a puddle on the floor. My body was quivering with lust.

A sigh of relief left my body and I went to find Emily. I got us both a taxi home. I poured myself a glass of water and swayed up the stairs into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt like I was on a high. Although, it felt like a little bit of whiplash from the insane amount of emotions I had felt in the past 24 hours.

Looking at my phone to see what the time was, I realised that I had a message from Oliver sent this morning. I ran down the stairs to find Emily slumped across the sofa. "Wake up you mess! Look!" I shouted.

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