Chapter 3: Settling In

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It didn't take long for Jimin and Taehyung to get word that Yoongi would be executed. There wasn't a date set, thankfully but it put an intense timer on them regardless. They were still trying to figure out how to get out of here, now they had to save Yoongi's life? Not only that but Jin had been sent to an entirely different kingdom. Things were falling apart quickly...

On top of all of that, the prince was, for one reason or another, infatuated with them. It was all too much for the pair.

Jungkook had left to see Seokjin out, allowing the two the time to really wrap their heads around everything. "Tae, what do we do?" Jimin exclaimed worriedly. "I don't like this place at all and this guy is really weird..."

"He's not weird, he's a historical figure," The giddiness in Taehyung's voice returned as he let out an awestruck sigh. This was all like a dream come true to him! Well, with a little atrous attached. Things were still terrible. "He looks just like his painting, if not better!"

Now, obviously, Jimin wasn't as enthralled with all of this. He found the experience to be nothing but strange and the moment he realised this wasn't a dream, he nearly screamed. Most people would if they were thrown into a freaky alternate dimension. "Focus Tae. Yeah, he's hot."

"That's not what I s-"

"But we need to get the others! Yoongi is going to die if we don't do something!" Yoongi was one of Jimin's best friends outside of Taehyung. If something happened to him, he had no idea what he would do... "What did he call him? Agust D, right? Why does the prince hate him so much?"

Taehyung had to think for a moment. His information about this world was sparse but he was able to piece together a few things. "He called him the King Slayer. I had read about him before so his real name must be Agust D! In the papers, I saw that the rulers of Busan had died by his hands. It's rumoured that he killed the king and queen of Gwacheon too! He must've taken the prince, which is probably why Jungkook was so surprised to see Jin!"

Jimin was amazed that he was able to remember all of that after just a few glances at a couple of old papers. "And now Yoongi's being framed for all of that?"

"Not technically, since he's in the body of-"

"It doesn't matter!" He shouted, making Taehyung hold his hands up. "Okay, the wand got us here, right? It's got to be the thing to get us out! Maybe if we-"

Jimin instantly shut his mouth when the bedroom door creaked open, revealing Jungkook. The prince sauntered in, closing the entrance behind him and furrowing his brow. "I thought I had instructed you to change."

"Right, sorry! We'll get to it now." Grabbing the clothes off the bed, Jimin nearly gagged at them. And he said our outfits were atrocious... Though he was hesitant to even look at them, he began to remove his shirt regardless. Yet he stopped when, just out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jungkook surveying their every movement like a hawk. "We're about to change..."


"I'm going to take off my shirt..."

"As I would expect you to, carry on."

"YOU FUCKING PERV!" Hearing this, Taehyung finally took notice of the prince's presence. A sigh escaped his lips at the expression on both the other men's faces, praying that the constant arguing wouldn't become normal. "You can't watch us get dressed!"

Jungkook clicked his tongue, standing to his feet and making his way over to the duo. "Had I not made myself clear before?" He asked, voice nearing a baritone and exuding intimidation. "I said I wanted you, did I not? I own you now," His finger traced Taehyung's jaw, tilting his head closer. "Every part of your body is now mine," He whispered. "I can watch if I please."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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