Chapter 2

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It is Monday, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired. Last night I couldn’t sleep for some reason, probably attributed to the fact that today is his birthday. I had gotten him a gift and everything, a really nice watch-cliché, I know, but I was able to afford one with my salary from working medium wage at the local high-end clothing store, and he couldn’t-so as I gaze at the plastic case surround the gold Seiko watch, I am overcome with a need-filled rage to break the thing. But I know I will be happier if I just return it, I still had the receipt even. Call it a cruel coincidence of fate.

So I tell myself as I stall to go to school that I should just go to the store after school before my shift starts and just get my money back on the damn thing. I sigh and turn away, glad that my mind was coming to peace finally. Usually, I pride myself in being this great multitasker, which also entails me being good at getting things off of my mind. Jason is a different case. But, I refuse to wallow in my self-pity any more, I think to myself. I finish getting ready and get into my jeep to head to school.

School is, of course, awful. Too many memories built up from happy (or so I thought) times. Laughing with my old friends over by the courtyard in the middle of the school, stealing a kiss out behind the cafeteria back when we first started dating, even crowding around Micheal Samuel’s car when everyone found out he got a tattoo. All of these things I’m ready to leave behind, I’m just not in the mood to talk to anyone now that Lacey refuses to acknowledge-admittedly, partially by my fault-the fact that she cheated and my relationship is over.

I am obviously pissy as I make my way into my first class, and no one talks to me. I don’t know whether I would rather them stay away or get my mind off of it. Although that would come soon enough.

The announcement came just after the morning announcements, and of course then I didn’t think anything of it.

“Students, please report to the auditorium directly after third period, we will be announcing the winners of the Global Connections contest during that time.” A few jittery whispers sounded throughout the tan peoples of our high school. I rolled my eyes and leaned down farther into my seat, annoyed at how excitable my fellow classmates were.

I sit down in between Lacey and Skylar, who I have third period with and I like well enough. Lacey was still getting the silent treatment, or as much of it as I could give. With her constant chatter it is hard not to smile or respond just a little.

Once everyone is seated in the giant auditorium, which houses the entire High School, the principle taps the microphone to make sure it is on, and then smiles at the young lady sitting behind him. “Thank you everyone, for coming today. We have very important news to tell you, but first, I want to go over the reasons we are able to have this fine establishment and staff.” I quit listening to his mandatory speech where he thanks all of the donors and the Board for their contributions to the school.

Glancing around the crowd, I see Jason sitting with a few of his friends, none of which I really recognize. Although I noticed, as my heart dropped slowly, that there was a girl sitting next to him. I wanted to hope that she was just a friend, but there was no way Jason would stay single for a week and a half.

“And with that, I am pleased to welcome Mrs. Victoria Gimms, who works for the company Global Connections, through who’s program we get to send two of our lucky seniors to Alaska for three weeks!” With that the principle steps down and offers the woman a hand to the podium. There’s clapping, but mostly from the eager freshman and actually interested seniors.

“Good afternoon everyone!” Her voice is a thick northern accent; I would place it as a Minnesotan or one of those. But, coming from someone who had never been out of the south, my assessment probably wasn’t accurate. “I have in this envelope the names of a girl and a boy who will have the privilege to go to the wonderful state of Alaska during your Christmas Break as part of our ‘Across the Nation’ program which allows children such as yourselves to experience parts of the United States that are very different from their current homes. Two of you-and two students from eight other schools in the deep southern region-will go on a trip around one of the great National Parks that are up there. So, without further adieu, I will announce the two winners, chosen from the examination they took last Friday.” I will admit, I was getting a little nervous, you could say she peaked my interest as she gave us that speech with her barely-discernable northern accent.

“OK, and the winners are,” she pauses dramatically, making my stomach develop butterflies. “Jack Harvey and Eden Chester! Congratulations, and please meet us up at the stage once we are done, thank you!”

“Did that really happen?” Lacey basically yells at me as I shake myself back into paying attention.

“Did what really happen?” I’m confused, why is everyone looking at me? Is it because Lacey just yelled at me? “Lacey keep it down people are staring.” I whisper and try to avert my eyes from all the stares.

She looks at me like I’m stupid. “Are you serious right now? Were you even paying attention?!” She’s yelling as much as she can with the principle giving closing directions to the student body.

“Um, no? What happened?” People started getting up and smiling at me.

“Have fun!”

“Good luck!”

“Congrats, I’m jealous.”

“You won the contest! You need to effing pay attention in assemblies because you just got a basically free trip to Alaska!” Lacey is smiling at me and I smile back.

“Really? No you didn’t you have to be joking with me.” I refuse to believe it, even though everyone’s good wishes and smiles seem to support her more than me.

She just pulls me up and pushes me towards the stage, and I walk up there slowly, still not sure if she’s being completely serious. But soon I see that its just the principle, Mrs. Gimms, and then Jack sitting there almost awkwardly, all gazing at me intently. I walk up and give them an awkward smile, then turn my attention to the woman.

She is beaming at us, and although I was in my own way excited, I hadn’t really thought this was a possibility, so I didn’t even think about me getting it beforehand. Heck, I thought that test was just an achievement test of sorts and graded your general knowledge. “So,” she smiles even bigger, and hands us two packets in manila folders which I had previously overlooked. “These have everything you need to know. Now, all travel is already paid, as is gear and food, you just need to outfit yourselves in the proper attire for the trip…I figured you don’t have any clothes heavy or warm enough for Alaskan winter, so I included some websites that sell them relatively cheap. Now it will explain most everything in there, but if you have any questions there is my work phone and the website names of all of the affiliated organizations-which include the parks! So is there anything at all you want to ask me now before I go?” Her smile is almost scaring me now.

“Uh, I don’t wanna sound like a girl but is this gonna be like, dangerous?” Jack looks-and feels, I’m sure-awkward as he asks this.

She laughs in response, oblivious. “Oh no honey, we assure you the maximum safety for you both. However, if you are asking because of the firearm question on the test, that is just a precaution. There are wild animals that are very different from around here, and although we want you all to have fun, safety is our main priority. That being said, again everything will be explained in your packet.” She gives one last beaming smile and then begins talking to the principle.

Jack and I are left wondering if we are needed anymore, and we both look at each other. He shrugs and starts walking, then motions for me to follow him. “Well just so you know I’m looking forward to arguing over who is smarter with you, Ms. Chester.”

His smile is infectious, and it spreads onto my own face.  “I’m not even sure this really happened. I mean I don’t even think my parents know about this, and what if they say I can’t go? The cost has to be expensive right?”

“Well I know for a fact that all of our parents were told about the possibility of their child getting it, and I don’t know all of the travel costs are paid aren’t they? That would just leave the clothes and that can’t be too bad can it?”

I’ve stopped smiling, he just completely proved me wrong. “OK, well I better go find Lacey; she probably wants to talk to me.”

“OK, bye Eden.” He smiles at me and I smile back.

“Yea, I’ll talk to you soon.”

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