Chapter 5

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"Wake up! Wake up! Oh my gosh, Eden you need to wake up!" My mother's shrill screams jerk me from my sleep, along with her frantically shaking my shoulders.

"What?" I sound irritable, but it's just my morning voice.

"It is seven fourty, you didn't set your alarm did you?"

I think for a second, and then give her an apologetic look. "You're lucky I came back and checked. Breakfast is ready, you can get dressed after." She hurries away, too stressed to even make sure I get up. Or maybe she knows that anticipation for the trip is practically killing me at the moment.

However, I disregard her instructions and get dressed first anyway. I pull on black, thermal leggings and my new boots, along with a long sleeve shirt and a grey hoodie that has been worn so many times it smells like my perfume mixed with deodorant. The entire process takes less than three minutes and I am walking down the stairs, pulling my hair into a ponytail, when my mother calls up to me. There's expected urgency in her voice, but I am prepared for it.

"I'm here mom, I just went ahead and got dressed."

"Hm," Was her only response and set a plate of eggs, bacon, and fruit in front of me. "Are you going to put on makeup, Eden?"

"I wasn't planning on it...I mean what's the point?" I start steadily eating.

"Good, we'd be late if you did." She gives me a pointed look, and I raise my hands.

"Whoa Mom, I'm only ten minutes late. And besides mascara doesn't take but a second."

"If you're going to put some on, do it in Atlanta."

It's not even a big deal, I think as I finish my eggs and move on to my bacon, occasionally taking a bite of the medley of fruit in my bowl.

"Do you want me to wake up Adam so you can say goodbye? You didn't tell him last night did you?" My dad asks, leaning on the counter to look at me.

"Oh, no I didn't, but really it's not that big of a deal...I'll text him when I'm in Atlanta."

My mom starts. "Wait he's not coming to the airport? He needs to come to the airport!"

I give a little laugh. "Mom, I promise it's fine, He'll just be in a bad mood because you woke him up. He'll only sulk around and won't tell me goodbye anyway."

She looks at my father, who only makes a motion as if to say he agrees with me. "She's right, Marie. He doesn't really function this early in the morning."

"But Eden will be away for two weeks. He's going to miss her."

"If he does, he'll be too proud to show it. I promise, babe, it'll be OK."

My mother doesn't look happy, and she narrows her eyes at the both of us. "Fine, but if he asks why he wasn't woken up, I'm blaming you two."

I roll my eyes, and then glance at my phone to see the time. It was 7:53, so I quickly scarf down the rest of my fruit and head upstairs. I walk into my bathroom, immediately noticing the dark circles and droopy eyes still half closed from sleep. Maybe a little concealer won't hurt. Pushing away the thoughts of my appearance, I pick up my toothbrush and toothpaste and brush my teeth.

Once my teeth feel clean, I put the brush in its case and stick it in my toiletry bag just as my mom calls up to me. "Eden? Are you ready?"

"Give me a sec, Mom! I'm getting all of my toiletries."

I hear a 'hmph' from downstairs, purposely loud enough for me to hear. It was just ten minutes, Mom.

I grab my bag and lay it in my suitcase, then close it and look around my room. I had my chargers, electronics, and a book in a carry on, along with my purse. My father had given me one hundred dollars, and I took out a hundred of my own for the trip. I figured I wouldn't need all of it, all we need to pay for is dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow morning before we get to the park.

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