chapter 19 - home sweet home (not)

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Montana's POV

When I get off my flight at the airport in Pittsburgh my mother is standing there at the terminal with a smiling face. I immediately start walking towards her in my designer heels and clothing, hopefully this impresses her enough to leave me alone about finding a man. Especially since she thought Zeus was going to come and he's not here.

"Hi mom," I smile as I walk over to her with my suitcase. She grabs me in her arms as quick as she can.

"Hi baby! How was your flight?" She asks as I nod. "It was great." I answer as she rubs my dress. "This is just beautiful sweetie. Where's your man? Don't you look pale, let's get you out of here before people see that." She starts as I sigh. Here we go.

"He's at work. There were some things he couldn't leave yet and he's got a really big day tomorrow with his company and all." I tell her as she sighs.

"I hate that! Anyway, Georgia and Dakota will be over within in the hour. Let's get you home. Tell me everything," she starts taking my arm in her hand while pulling me out of the airport. I adjust my clothing while holding my suitcase as she starts again.

"I'm serious! Tell me it all!" She demands as I sigh and nod. "I don't know what to tell you. Millie is doing great, I've officially moved in with Zeus, I'm really happy now, and I love living in the city." I tell her as we walk through the doors of the airport and outside to the parking garage.

"Moved in? And he can't even come here? Really Montana?!" She asks as I glare at her holding my composure. We step on the elevator to the fourth floor of the garage when I finally speak back.

"Zeus runs a company. Yes I wanted him to come, but with your demands he can't just up and adjust his schedule without notice he's a very busy man." I tell her.

"He would if he loved you," she tells me slipping her sunglasses on as we walk to her car. I open the hatch and put my suitcase in as I glare at her watching me. Love, love. I know I love him, and I don't know where he's at with that but I'm not giving her the power to speak about us like that. But maybe she's right. If he loved me would he have came? If he loved me wouldn't he have celebrated his company being complete again with me?

"You know what I came here because you demanded. If you are going to make me feel guilty for how my relationship is I will leave mom. Zeus is an amazing man." I tell her holding my composure and ignoring the comment because I don't know where his head is at with it.

"If you say so, I'll believe it when I see it. I mean that in a good way, he should be here meeting your family!" She tells me as I sigh.

"I agree but he's busy. It's not a big deal, he'll come around when his schedule clears." I mumble as I walk away and get into the passengers seat as she starts driving away. I don't speak to her again, not the entire drive. I don't want to talk about it and now she's got me overthinking everything.

Maybe he doesn't feel the same way as I do. I think it's more than clear that I care about him but what if she's right. What if-, I don't know he's sick of me? He's got what he's wanted? He's fixed himself and is now ready for someone better? Someone skinner, funnier, more beautiful?

When my phone starts vibrating in my lap it's Zeus calling me but I don't answer it. I know my mom is suspicious when she glares over. "I get it now, you're fighting," she tells me as I sigh.

"No we aren't. It's-, mother it's really not any of your business." I mumble cutting off my phone and location services so he won't try and find me or call again.

"Yes it is! Are you okay?" She asks as I sigh. "Mom I'm fine. It's fine. We're okay." I tell her as she nods.

"I won't push but I probably need too. Let's just get home." She tells me holding the steering wheel. I try to keep my composure as long as I can but I know my mind is driving me crazy at this point because I love Zeus and now I'm starting to think he doesn't love me back.

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