chapter 30 - a red dressed snake

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Montana's POV

I grab my bags immediately. I take my purse and the bag I had the food in and pack them up grabbing my car keys. I don't talk to Zeus when I walk to the door and he's standing there.

"Get out the way. I was just leaving right?" I ask him as I push his shoulder for him to move.

"I just said that so she'd leave. Go sit down." He tells me as I shake my head no.

"No. You didn't know I was going to be here and I know why. You're bringing women here to fuck aren't you? You're cheating on me? With a bitch named Genevieve of all names?" I ask him as he grabs my face in his palms to make me pay attention as he leans down to my height.

"Listen to yourself right now. You realize what you're doing right? Montana I wouldn't cheat on you. I went to high school with her and I have idea why she's here or who let her up. I got the email the second she was here." He tells me rubbing my face and wiping my tears. He sighs as he stares down at me and I know he's pissed beyond majorly.

"Why would she be here if you did that interview saying we were together? Why is she here?" I whisper keeping my calm. He knows I'm upset and I know I've pissed him off but this really bothers me so much. He wipes my face again as I stop crying long enough to stare into his eyes.

"I don't know. Please just calm down and trust me enough to wait okay? I'll take her into the conference room and I'll ask." He tells me as I sigh and he pulls my hand to his computer and sets the bags in my hands down. He cuts it to the security feed of the building and puts it onto the conference room and the hallway to it.

"You'll know what's wrong too," he tells me calmly as he rubs my back softly in his hand before sitting me down. "And we'll talk about your fucking accusations later, communication right? Instead of blowing up on me." He whispers kissing my forehead harshly and leaving the room. He leaves his cell phone on the desk and doesn't say anything else to me.

I'm mad and I know I've overreacted but he would have done the same. I'm pissed more when she grabs his arm and he pulls it away a bit and takes her to the conference room. He looks so sexy today too and that makes me mad. He has to wear the navy blue suit with the white dress shirt under with no tie. That navy suit hugs his ass and chest just right too.

"What's this about? I would like to finish my lunch break with Montana." He tells her as she sits on the table next to him standing across the room. He places his hands in his suit pockets as he stares at her and I wipe my face off.

I really think I got a good one. I know Zeus has his rough outside but I love him and I think I was so hurt seeing her because I didn't think he would cheat on me. I really don't think he would but she's a red dressed snake who'd break up a relationship in a minute.

"And I'd like to finish without thinking of you." She tells him when the pit hits in my stomach and I feel the urge to puke. "Fucking bitch," I whisper under my breath as I stand up crossing my arms.

"What are you talking about?" He asks with his arms crossed. "Zeus! You never even had sex with me and I still haven't forgot you since high school. I came here to ask you to give us a shot. Because I divorced my husband and I miss you. You're all I think about during sex and I just- please? I know you feel it too." She asks him as he sighs.

"I don't want that with you. I'm happy with my relationship." He tells her as I crack a smile at my man.

"Zeus. She's not even hot. Look at her and then me, I'm freaking gorgeous and she's so average. Plus my real estate business has taken off and I guarantee I'm more successful than she is. Come on," she whispers trying to walk to him as he quickly walks away to the conference room door.

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