Prologue: The Beginning of Despair

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A/N: I should remind everyone that this has blood and gore in this story, if you're uncomfortable with this stuff then don't read. I made a one-shot before this story with, the same title. If you haven't read that yet then I suggest you read it before you dive into this.

Screams and pleas were surrounding a dark, room that looked like a courtroom. There were 16 people in the courtroom, they were looking up at a bunch of monitors surrounding the room. They were watching one person getting tortured in a death maze, they were crying and pleading for the torture to stop. 

They tried to move and tried to save the person but they couldn't move, the video was making them not able to move. All they can do is watch in horror when their friend is getting impaled,  getting cannonballed, slashed, and in pain. Their eyes were glued to the screen as their eyes were all grey, and slowly turning into swirls. They had tear streaks coming down their cheeks, they shouted out death threats, and they started to lose their minds.

The person who orchestrated this was laughing his head off, he was enjoying everyone's despair. A young man in a different room was sitting on a chair, happily basking in everyone's pain and despair. He was wearing all-black clothing, he was wearing Gothic makeup, and he was wearing black combat boots. He had long black hair and his eyes were golden hazel. However, at the moment, his eyes looked red and they glowed like he was a demon. 

The person who was in the death maze didn't give up, they kept going no matter what. They reached a door at the end of the maze that said 'GOAL' on it, they opened the door and saw a projection of the outside. Unfortunately, once they were walking towards the light, a spear went through the person, shattering the illusion of the outside. They fell backward and suddenly 17 spears came out of the floor and impaled the person. Everyone that was in the courtroom was now brainwashed and was crying tears of despair. 

 "Congratulations! Welcome to the fold!" The mastermind behind this said excitedly. "Now you'll be exactly like me! Doesn't losing someone break your heart!?" 

"Suck up that despair, sit back and let the ecstasy of it wash over you!" he continued. "Once you have a taste, you're packed, you'll want to bask it in every second of your lives! Nothing will do but to see the whole world burn will the same feeling!"

The 17 spears disappeared from the person as they fell on the ground, bleeding on the floor. "Say adieu to your late friend, and say hello to the wonderful of despair." The mastermind said, darkly as his eyes glowed red. "Thank you all for playing, I look forward to working with you."  

Everyone in the room laughed hysterically as their eyes had swirls on them while they crying broken tears. The person that was impaled 17 times bled out and died from their injuries. 

Once the whole ordeal was done, the mastermind got up from his chair and went back to his headquarters. He chuckled darkly to himself as he relived what just happened earlier, "Briar Bloodsworth, you done it again." Briar said to himself as he walked to his headquarters. "The beginning of despair now comes to effect."

What you just read is the leader of the Cult of Desperationis getting his members into his cult, Briar Bloodsworth is not a normal man to speak. Ever since he was little, he had an unhealthy fascination with despair. He didn't have a bad childhood or bad parents to have this obsession, he was just born that way. And it doesn't help that he has analytical abilities which makes him bored of everything, but the only thing that doesn't make him bored is despair. To him, despair is unpredictable and fun, and it spreads like a virus.

Briar was in his headquarters when his phone buzzed, he took out his phone and looked through it. Briar got a text from his brother that the members had already started their destruction, and he smiled at that. His plans for the whole world to drown in despair have started to take effect, yeah that's right, he wants to watch the whole world burn cause he's that bored. 

Briar kept smirking as he thought of the whole world drowning in death, destruction, and despair. Nothing can stop this plan he has, no one can stop him even if they could try.

If only he knew about the Government's plan to stop him and his terrorist group.

A/N: Sorry if this prologue is short but I don't want to give out too much. This story is gonna be different from the other stories I have written, I hope you guys will enjoy this story. 

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