Chapter 4: Ignition

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"I won't tell as long as you don't tell anyone I know he hasn't left,"

Her words echo as in my head like a ripple in the water. 

I'm not saying I don't trust her with a secret. I do, I know we both have secrets of sorts and I've lived with my own secrets my whole life. This isn't any different than before, is it? Besides, even though Dolores is kind of Abuela's informant, she can keep a secret and a promise. We both know this.

-"Promise?" I extend my pinky finger to her.

-"Promise," she answers wrapping her own pinky finger around mine for a few seconds.

After we let go, a short period of solemnity passes and we come back to eating. The meat hasn't gotten too cold, if it does I can warm it up in a flash. While we eat, we get a cute interruption.

-"Soledad, can you make tricks with fire?" a kid pats my arm curiously.

I smile from ear to ear, "I thought you'd never ask! Be right back,"

Dolores gives me an encouraging look as I move to a wider space, still surrounded by the crowd. I ask to clear for a couple of feet and I prepare to entertain the crowd. Luckily as soon as I got my gift, my first ever trick was breathing fire.

-"Pass me a torch," I encourage while a boy tells me his favorite color, "For my first trick, I will be lighting this torch green!"

I blow delicately into the torch, ignoring the blinding lights in front of my eyes and the torch glows green. I set it on the ground and dance around it, my feet light in movement. Occasionally grabbing someone's hand and invite them to dance with me. 

Some dance and then when I'm alone once more, I spread the flames into the sky and harmlessly fly around my viewers, changing colors and being harmless to the touch. The people start to dance and spin while the fire decorates the homes with graceful spirals and sweet memories. 

When the party finally ends, Dolores has to help me up the hill and we arrive at Casita drowsily singing songs and dancing with each other, remembering the flames that brought so much joy to the people. Luckily, Julieta shoves an arepa into my mouth and I can sit for dinner and be awake enough to enjoy it. 

The talk is mostly about the party, which we all came to attend. I didn't see anyone because I was so busy entertaining everyone. While Camilo acted, Isabela bloomed, Luisa lifted, and the adults talked and danced; I was lighting the night alive. Mama puts a hand on my shoulder.

-"I had no idea you could do such things! You are so amazing, Soledad," Mama proudly says as I eat some more avocado. 

Abuela smiles, "Needless to say, that was impressive,"

For the first time in a long time, I feel welcomed within the family. Of course, there is always that one person that insists on ruining the moment rather discreetly. More specifically, Isabela is a little upset she isn't the center of attention. Fortunately, soon enough the attention returns to her and I can finish my dinner without having to leave early.

Dolores looks at me and winks, I wink back. I think we can finally be sisters and not be separated by Abuela's standards for us. Well, maybe that's a lie. We'll always be away somehow and Dolores will have to say something sooner or later. But she can be resilient, I can choose to run away tomorrow and she wouldn't say a word of where I've gone if she knew.

Camilo nudges my side, "How long have you known to do that?"

-"Let's see, today is Friday... since I got my gift," I reply with a hint of sarcasm to my voice.

-"So you can make fire harmless,"


-"Does that mean you can fake a house fire?" he lowers his voice.

My brother and I have the tendency to be reckless, "Why do you ask? What do you have in mind?"

-"I was thinking-"

-"Camilo, can you pass the water?" Agustin interrupts him and Camilo passes the water. 

Once he's done, he turns to me again, "I just can't shake the feeling-"

Abuela announces a successful year and New Year.

-"Listen!" Camilo whisper shouts, "I'd start planning your escape if I were you,"

-"Why?!" I lean in to listen.

-"Because this won't last! Besides, that was completely unplanned and unexpected from you. Maybe now it's fine, but soon enough it won't be. You know what happened with Bruno?"

I nod, "Can we talk about this some other time?"


When dinner finally ends I rush to my room and shut the door behind me. Mainly to avoid Isabela looking at me like a dirty rag. Something crossed my mind during dinner and it was if I could summon fire without having to use my energy, which would be revolutionary for my current ca-


I don't like the sound of that.

-"I don't know who's there but you better come out or I'll set this entire place on fire," That's an empty threat in case you didn't notice. 

(More rustling noises)

I build a fire in my hands, "I'm warning you, I can and I will turn you to ashes,"

There isn't normally wind in here for very obvious reasons, but sometimes wild animals sneak in somehow. Casita thinks I need friends a lot of times. But my goal is to be a friend of the people, so I don't need another deer sneaking in here. I've had deer sneak in and I've caught a couple. I ate them out of curiosity, they have very tasty meats when smoked. 

Someone knocks at my door and they open it ever so slightly but enough for me to shoot the fireball I was forming in my hands. Why? BECAUSE I WAS NOT EXPECTING VISITORS!

-"SOLEDAD, IT'S DOLORES! I'M SORRY I SCARED YOU!" Dolores shouts from the outside and opens the door slowly again, "DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!"

-"HOLY SH*T DOLORES! NO, I'M SORRY! COME IN!" I rush to open the door to find wide-eyed Dolores keeping a distance from the door, "I'm so sorry. What do you need?"

She doesn't budge, I'm pretty sure anyone that was coming down the hall is just as frozen as her, "I just wanted to talk, are you gonna set me on fire?"

-"No! No, I could never! I heard something weird in my room and I was gonna shoot that not you," I excuse myself, leaning on the door frame.

-"That doesn't make this any better!"








-"Can you two stop screaming at each other and just talk about whatever you needed to talk about?" Mirabel breaks us up, "Please, some of us want to sleep,"

Encanto: Solo ArsonistTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang