▪︎ Digi Log 4 ▪︎

183 33 77

The hallways and elevator were tidy and classic, reminiscent of a bygone era. The carpeting was red, and oil paintings in antiquated frames lined the walls, a reminder that art was once physical rather than holographic.

On the twelfth floor, Nova used one of the metallic cards to unlock a door, and ushered the Negotiators through. "I hope this room is all right," she said. "They all tend to be the same size, so I don't know if you'll have enough room. The bathroom is spacious. And the shower has a 'steam' function for non-organics, so it will be safe for Ava. But...there's only one bed, you know."

"None of us sleep in a bed," Saito informed her.

"And none of us need much sleep, anyway," Ava-1 added.

Nova nodded. "Sure," she said. "I guess I'm not sur—"

She cut herself off, shocked by the Negotiators' immediate show of action.

They broke apart, each moving in a separate direction, and began a quick frenzy of thorough investigation. Saito inspected the doors, windows, corners, counters, walls, and floor. Mina took up residence in the center of the room and inhaled a rhythmic series of slow breaths, engaging her olfactory sense. Ava-1 twisted and removed her left pinky finger, which functioned as a detection laser. She swept the sensitive red beam across every surface in the room.

As abruptly as it had begun, their investigation ceased, and they faced each other.

"There is no way to gain access to this room except for the door," Saito told the others. "No way to unlock the windows, and the blinds are metal and opaque. No variation in thickness in any of the walls. No hollow spots in the floor or ceiling."

Mina and Ava-1 nodded.

"There has not been another living being in this room for approximately three and one half days," Mina said to the others. "And that person was," she breathed in again, "a tailor by trade, high fashion, and no threat to us. She was only passing through town."

Saito and Ava-1 nodded.

"There is no covert surveillance in this room," Ava-1 said. She switched off the red laser and reattached her pinky. "There are no audio bugs, no cameras, and no recording devices of any kind. The room is clean."

Saito and Mina nodded.

Observing this, Nova felt faint. She leaned against the desk as her head spun with the activity she'd just witnessed.

Mina turned to her. "Your blood sugar is low," she informed Nova. "I can smell it. Are you anemic?"

"Um, yes, actually," Nova confessed, uncertain if she was impressed by Mina's abilities, or disturbed because she was a vampire. "I just need some water. It's fine."

"You mentioned in your initial communication that there are others who knew you planned to contact us," Saito said. "Others who have information they are willing to share."

"Yes, three others, apart from Phoon and the Night Mare manager," Nova told him. "The computer repair guy at my store and two workers I know from the Chartreuse Factory. They're trustworthy. And they share my views and concerns about Big Sister."

"That should be fine," Saito said.

"When can we talk to these people?" Ava-1 asked.

"As soon as tomorrow morning," Nova said. "I told them to expect a visit at any time." She dug in the pocket of her work uniform and pulled out a folded piece of stationary.

"Actual paper," Mina remarked. "How archaic. But much to my taste."

"Anything digital or electronic could be intercepted," Nova said. She handed the paper to Saito. "Names and addresses. You'll find Whitlock at my store. It's further down the block, on this street. Genesis and Trip work at the Chartreuse Factory. It's only three pegs from here, in Micro-Oz."

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