
3 0 0

Rules numbers 1, 2 and 3, states the normal things every kid should follow.

Don't be mean, be respectful and forgive and forget.

4, 5, and 6 aren't really on the same guidelines but we use them anyways.

If someone has something on their face, tell them. Don't keep secrets. Don't lie.

Friends are a complicated things. Breaking rules 5 and 6 makes for an aggressive confrontation, oh but that breaks rules 22 and 36.

Don't be mean.

No rude confrontations.

But breaking rules 4 and 1, oh just forgive and forget as rule 3 states.

All I want is my life to be normal. No rules. No games. Just a fun, friendly day.

But that would go against rules 17 and 89.

Always stick together on time off. Don't forget about eachother.

Why can't I break these rules just for once.

They are holding me back.

I always wonder what if I did? Would anything happen? Or would life go on?

That's something we will never know. Rule 100 prevents that.

Always. Follow. The. Rules.

That's what they say, anyways.


cat in a box, poetryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat