Chapter 5

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Regulus worried that Potter had been right, that he would figure it out eventually. He took more care with the diary, shrinking it daily so that it could be held in his pocket instead of his bag when he had to traverse the castle. That way, if Potter decided to accost him in the corridor, attempt to steal it to show his friends, or else try and prove he had indeed figured out the secrets the diary held, he wouldn't get his grubby hands on it so easily. Besides, it was sort of comforting to know that it was in his pocket all the time. He probably wouldn't ever get to meet Tom, but he could still feel that he was there with him in the moments he longed to talk to him but couldn't.

Thankfully, the business with Potter came to nothing. He eyed Regulus suspiciously as they passed one another in the corridors, glancing down to the bag he obviously expected would still hold the object of their conversation, but never made a move to try and do anything about it. As for whether he'd mentioned it to Sirius, Regulus was torn. There was nothing in his brother's behaviour that suggested he was suspicious or working with Potter on any kind of secret project. On the contrary, he still didn't look in Regulus' direction if he could help it, but Regulus didn't know that he would intentionally change anything in his demeanour if he had been told. It was more likely that he'd keep it to himself until they were sure of whatever mad theory they came up with, so they'd be able to pull the rug from beneath his feet.

As to the other biggest headache in Regulus' life, he received a letter from Lucius Malfoy four days after his run-in with Snape. The handwriting on the envelope hadn't been a huge give away when Regulus' owl had dropped the letter to him over breakfast, curled and neat but rather generic. The deep green seal on the back had been the thing to give it away, one Narcissa had begun using months before they were even married, when her parents had told her such behaviour was inappropriate but she'd been too in love to care. When he tore it open, it read:


Severus tells me that you and he spoke about the gift he received at the end of the holidays. If you wrote to me as often as he does, no doubt I'd know that already. No matter though, I'm sure any writing time you have is otherwise taken up and I have no wishes to interfere with that. My point is only that I'm glad you're discussing such things with him. When I first became involved in the matters discussed, it was a landscape I had to navigate alone, and let me tell you it was not the easiest terrain. Between the excitement and desire to show my new gift to anybody who'd look, and the notion that it should be kept private, I only wish I'd been as lucky as he is to have you. There's no question that you will eventually follow in his footsteps, so I can't see that there's any harm done in sharing. I only hope that in seeing it for yourself, in seeing the euphoria it brings Severus, you'll be more inclined to follow with both enthusiasm and haste. When you come to the decision, write to me and let me know at your earliest convenience.


P.S — Narcissa sends her love. She tells me that she'd write to you herself, but that she's had such busy days lately. What she thinks my days consist of, I'll never know. I shan't burden you with talk of marital squabbles though, I'll save that for a time in the future when you can relate and we can laugh about it together.

Regulus folded the paper back up as soon as he'd finished, shoving it carelessly back into the envelope and tossing it aside to finish his breakfast. He hadn't meant to throw it with any kind of force, but it slapped hard on the table, catching the attention of Willa Broadmoor across the table. She raised an eyebrow and then smiled at him.

"I'll assume it's not a secret admirer, then."

"I'd be so lucky. Just Lucius." Regulus scoffed.

"Well, didn't he have anything interesting to say?" She asked, obviously having never received a letter from Lucius Malfoy before, if she thought he was capable of interesting thought.

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