Chapter 38

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"I'm certain now, we're going the wrong way," Potter said brightly. He was running his fingers along every branch they passed, eyes high up to the sky, and Regulus'd had just about enough of his sunny disposition.

"Why do you always do that?" He demanded.

"Do what?"

"That... You're so cheerful, even when things are objectively awful. I mean, look all around us," and he gestured. It was much the same as it had been for the last five days, only now the snow was fluttering around them, promising to dampen their heads and clothes and to further obscure the path forward. No houses had yet appeared in the distance, and they were so far from Alphard's that they couldn't even see it anymore. For all intents and purposes, they were lost. "It's so fake, and it's really irritating." At the accusation, Potter was momentarily flummoxed. He looked uncomfortable, with his head tilted to the side and he turned halfway on the spot before looking back to Regulus. A snowflake had caught in his eyelashes.

"Well... I'm an optimist?" He offered, falling into step with Regulus once more. Potter didn't look in his direction again, but seemed to know he wasn't going to get away with that explanation, so went further after a pause, "Your brother and Remus have had a pretty shit time of it, y'know? I just... try to keep it light, when I can. For them."

"Then why are you still doing it now? Neither of them are here." Regulus asked. Potter's eyes met his, wide, and he blinked. His cheeks burned scarlet, though how much of that was down to their surroundings, Regulus couldn't say. He stared at Potter for a few painful moments, who then settled on,

"Habit, I suppose." After that, he ran ahead, grasping onto and swinging around one of the thinner trees that they passed. He clearly didn't want to say any more on the matter, and Regulus was frankly a little afraid of what he might say if he did, so he was happy enough to leave it there.

"I'd rather you cut it out."

"Alright then. We're lost, and if we don't find ourselves soon we're going to freeze to death. Better?"

"A little," Regulus shrugged, "though we could also be eaten by trolls, or bears."

"At least we wouldn't be doing it alone," Potter said, with too much of a trill in his voice for Regulus liking.

"There you go again," he rolled his eyes. "I've never contemplated stabbing anybody before now, but you're making it seem pretty tempting."

"Merlin, Regulus. You're complaining about my natural cheer and charm, and here you are threatening to murder me twice in a matter of hours," Potter laughed, head tipped back, "besides, you'd have a hard job until Sirius comes back with the knife."


"Well, it's not in the bag. So unless you've got it, Sirius has."

Regulus stopped. He looked over Potter, considered whether or not he thought he'd lie about that, pretend that Sirius had taken it so that he could keep the blade for himself and probably use it on him later... but it wasn't really Potter's style, so he ruled it out. He opened the satchel, knowing all the time that the knife wasn't in there, and confirmed it to himself. Then, he huffed.

"Of course he did, that's just his way! He would—"

"I don't see why you're annoyed, you weren't going to use it anyway."

"What's that got to do with it? It's mine." Regulus refastened the satchel and began stomping on his way.

"Doesn't it make you feel a little better that he has it, just in case he hasn't gone back to school? He'll have some protection if anything happens."

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