DSMP AU: Arena Fighter Technoblade

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If someone does end up reading this, what is your favorite anime and ship from that anime? Enjoy!

⚠️Art belongs to @Bonnabees on twitter! I found it on google images for "gladiator Technoblade fanrt"! I do not own this image nor do I claim to! If you know that the creator is not comfortable with anyone using their work, please tell me so I can take it down! Thank you!⚠️

Tw: chains, mentions of past trauma, blood/minor gore, death, malnourishment, and abuse (come on this is a Technoblade centered story of course there's gonna be a bunch of trigger warnings)

      The Blade. That was his ring name. It was what the guards would call out when it was his turn to fight. What they would call when it was his turn to win. He had been called that name for so long. So long that he could hardly remember his real name. The only reason he could remember it was his single memory of his mother. His mother screaming his name as she was held back by soldiers as he was being taken away. Her screaming stopping so abruptly that the young boy new she was gone before her head hit the floor and rolled to face him. He knew that he would never see her again.

      Sometimes he would dream of her. Dream of her holding him as he read her a book. Dream of her teaching him how to fight. Dream of her laughing as he lost balance and fell down a hill before going to help him up. He could never quite make out her face in those dreams. The only thing about her that was perfectly clear was her voice. Her honey sweet voice. A voice that made it sound like there was nothing wrong in the world. A voice that made it sound like it's owner had never had to fight for their life or worry about when their next meal would be. He was only four when she had been murdered in front of his eyes but he had known that she never was quite relaxed. He'd known that they were struggling with money and food. It was only a few month ago that he's found out his mother had had to fight in this very ring just to get enough money to survive. He chuckled as some of the guards walked past his sell, throwing a stale piece of bread towards him. He knew better than to eat more than what you needed so he just tucked the bread into his pocket for later. After 15 years you'd think he'd be free. After all, the Boss had promised him freedom after he'd worked off his mother's debt, but no. He still had thousands of dollars to go. 

      You see, the way a ring fighter won money was from the bets that were made on them. Before every fight the audience would choose whoever they thought would win and give the minimum amount or more of money. If you chose correctly, you got a certain amount of points based on how much money you bet, if you chose incorrectly, you got a certain amount of points taken away based on how much money you bet. 70 percent of the earnings went to the "sponsor" of the fight that won, though they were more like owners than anything else, 20 percent went to the fighter, and the other 10 percent went to the stadium so they could keep surprising the crowd with new obstacles for the fighters to face.

      Every month this stadium had an event. The event's basis was that anyone that signed up, and paid the fee of course, could fight any fighters who'd won at least 2 fights over the last month. How you won a game was either the opponent yielding, losing consciousness, or dying. You'd think by now, even after about 10 years since his last loss, people would know to stop challenging The Blade, but they never learned. Most of the challengers were outsiders who had heard about the "fighter without a loss" known as the Blood God and wanted to test their strength. But the thing about these monthly event was that, after 5 minutes, if neither opponent gave up or passed out, the fight automatically became a death match, often leaving the battle field a blood ridden mess with guts spilled everywhere. 

      One fighter, "vlákas" they were called, was a 16 year old boy, who'd been dared by his friends to fight 5 years ago, died within the first 2 minutes due to how unprepared he was. It turns out his father was a very powerful wizard from the next town over, he ended up blaming The Blade for his son's death and cursed him, so that every person he killed from then on would become a voice in his head and torment  him for the rest of his days. So over the next few years leading up to the present, The Blade gathered voices, from strong to weak, from young, to old, his voices grew. Every time a new voice was added, they hated him for a week or 2, until they saw how he was treated. Chained to the wall most of the time, beat for no reason, given as little food as possible, and so on. Eventually, the voices became like friends to The Blade, even helping him, or at least trying to help him, in his fights. Every time a new voice would join they'd start chanting "ONE OF US!!!!" and even do what they called "banning" the ones that got extra rude, meaning that they couldn't talk threw the connection. Apparently the voices were sometimes visible when he was fighting, well according to the other fighters in his division. They told him how when he fought there would sometimes be a sudden blast of cold air and if you looked at him through your peripherals you could see ghostly shapes following him around, covered in blood. Though over time as The Blade got stronger and faced less challenging opponents, it happened less and less often. Leading him to conclude it only happened when he truly enjoyed a fight. When he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins instead of just going through the movements of a heavily practiced routine. When he could let his body go wild and I rely on his reflexes instead of doing his best to not laugh at how bad his opponent's foot work was.

Our story starts when a new fighter joins The Blade's division.

Our story starts when this new fighter is put in the same cell as The Blade.

Our story starts when the first words are spoken by this new fighter.

This is the story of Technoblade.


Ok! That's finally done! Who do you think should be this new fighter? I have a few ideas but I haven't settled on one quite yet. I also don't know if I should do any ships. Let me know what you think in the comments.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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